
  1. Requires: The Dread Citadel Naxxramas (Honored)
  2. Requires: The Dread Citadel Naxxramas (Revered)
  3. Requires: The Dread Citadel Naxxramas (Exalted)
  4. Get Echoes of War before you zone in
  1. Kill Order: Corpse Scarab > Crypt Guard > Anub'Rekhan
  2. Cleave Tanks: Face Anub'Rekhan and Crypt Guards away from the raid
  3. Impale Noggenfogger Elixir
    1. Everyone: Spread out horizontally when facing Anub'Rekhan to reduce number of knockups
    2. Healers: Keep Impaled players alive
    3. Use Slow Fall
  4. Locust Swarm
    1. Everyone: Run away from the boss and focus adds
    2. Main Tank: Kite the boss around the edge of the room Swiftness Potion
    3. Help the Main Tank kite with Aspect of the Pack
  5. Summon Corpse Scarabs (10) when Crypt Guards die. Goblin Sapper Charge
  6. Summon Corpse Scarabs (5) when players die. Goblin Sapper Charge
Grand Widow Faerlina
  1. Kill Order: Naxxramas Follower > Grand Widow Faerlina
  2. This fight is a DPS race. Kill Faerlina before you run out of Naxxramas Worshippers
  3. Rain of Fire don't stand in fire
  4. Enrage every 60 seconds
    1. Plan Mind Control rotation on Naxxramas Worshippers
    2. Run in melee range and remove with Widow's Embrace
  5. Poison Bolt Volley Greater Nature Protection Potion
    1. Remove poison
  1. Kill Order: Adds > Maexxna
  2. Poison Shock Tanks: Face Maexxna away from the raid
  3. Necrotic Poison Remove poison especially on tanks
  4. Web Wrap Ranged: Break allies out of cocoons at the edge of the room
  5. Web Spray every 40 seconds for 8 seconds
    1. Healers: HoT and shield the Main Tank before Web Spray
  6. Summon Maexxna Spiderling Goblin Sapper Charge
  7. Enrage at 30% health
    1. Tanks: Shield Wall
Noth the Plaguebringer
  1. Kill Order: Plagued Guardian > Noth the Plaguebringer > Plagued Champion > Plagued Warrior
  2. Teleport Balcony at 90 seconds, 200 seconds and 380 seconds
  3. Curse of the Plaguebringer Remove curse
  4. Summon Skeletons every 30 seconds
  5. Blink (full threat wipe)
    1. Nearby players get Cripple Free Action Potion Living Action Potion
    2. Dispel the Main Tank immediately and others if necessary
  6. Shadow Shock is cast by Plagued Champions
    1. Tanks can Use Greater Shadow Protection Potion
    2. Buff Shadow Protection
Heigan the Unclean
  1. Eruption The ground erupts with damage throughout the fight
    1. The safe place to stand will rotate between 1-2-3-4-3-2-1
  2. Decrepit Fever Remove disease
  3. Mana Burn Mana Users: Keep your distance from Heigan the Unclean
  4. Teleport Hug the right wall of the hallway and run back to the raid
    1. Greater Shadow Protection Potion Major Healthstone Major Healing Potion
    2. You may need to kill trash and wait for Eruption to reach the raid
  5. Phase 1 - Slow Dance (Eruptions every 8 seconds)
    1. Melee dance, Ranged/Healers on the platform
  6. Phase 2 - Fast Dance (Eruptions every 3 seconds)
    1. Everybody dance, Heigan on the platform
  7. Repeat Phase 1-2 until the boss is dead
  1. Loatheb is a DPS race
  2. Corrupted Mind Healers can only heal once per minute
    1. Healers: Plan heal rotation on the tank so you don't overlap
    2. Everyone: Major Healthstone Heavy Runecloth Bandage
  3. Poison Aura
    1. Melee: Prepop Greater Nature Protection Potion
  4. Summon Spore
    1. Spores spawn at furthest wall from where Loatheb is tanked
    2. When spores die the 5 nearest players get Fungal Bloom
    3. Fungal Bloom gives 50% crit, 60% spell crit and your abilities cause no threat
  5. Remove Curse every 30 seconds
    1. Refresh your curses
  6. Inevitable Doom Greater Shadow Protection Potion x 3
    1. After 2 minutes the raid takes 2,500 shadow damage every 40 seconds
    2. Buff Shadow Protection
  1. Tanks must have the top 4 positions on the threat table and be at max health
  2. Tanks: Wear mitigation gear for Patchwerk
  3. Cast Amplify Magic on tanks
  4. Hateful Strike every 1.5 seconds Wail of the Banshee
    1. Hateful Strike hits the highest health melee at threat 2, 3, 4
    2. Healers: Prepare a heal rotation for every tank. Keep them at max health.
  5. Enrage at 5% health
  1. Kill Order: Adds > Grobbulus
  2. Poison Cloud Grobbulus leaves a trail of poison clouds. Slowly follow the indicated route
  3. Slime Spray the Main Tank should be the only person in front of Grobbulus
  4. Mutating Injection
    1. If you get this debuff you will spawn a poison cloud when it fades or is removed
    2. Run away from the raid and near existing poison clouds
    3. Remove disease only when the player is in a safe spot
  1. Kill Order: Zombie Chow during Decimate > Gluth
  2. The raid must run through the poison tunnel to engage Gluth
    1. Everyone: Prepop Greater Nature Protection Potion
    2. Shield the raid
  3. Summon Zombie Chow every 10 seconds
    1. Gluth heals for 5% when Zombie Chow reach him
    2. One paladin should kite the Zombie Chow with Greater Blessing of Kings
    3. Help the paladin kite the Zombie Chow
    4. Help the paladin kite the Zombie Chow with Piercing Howl
  4. Decimate every 100 seconds
    1. Everyones health is lowered to 5% and zombies charge toward Gluth
  5. Terrifying Roar every 20 seconds
    1. Ranged: Max range to avoid fear
    2. Use Berserker Rage
    3. Use Fear Ward
  6. Frenzy every 10 seconds
    1. Remove with Tranquilizing Shot
  7. Mortal Wound
    1. Tanks: Tank swap if necessary at 4-5 stacks
  1. Kill Order: Feugen = Stalagg > Thaddius
  2. Phase 1 - Stalagg (magic) and Feugen (physical)
    1. Death Timer: Stallag and Fuegen must die within 5 seconds of each other
    2. Magnetic Pull every 20 seconds (full threat wipe)
      1. Bosses smack tanks to the opposite platform
  3. Phase 2 - Thaddius
    1. Jump off the ledge to Thaddius or you will fall and die
    2. Polarity Shift every 30 seconds
      1. Players with Positive Charge must group on the right or you will wipe the raid
      2. Players with Negative Charge must group on the left or you will wipe the raid
      3. Polarity Shift continues after the fight. Remain in separate groups until it fades.
Instructor Razuvious
  1. Kill Order: Instructor Razuvious > Deathknight Understudy
  2. Unbalancing Strike
    1. Razuvious must be tanked by Deathknight Understudies
    2. Healers: Keep the Deathknight Understudies alive
    3. 2 Priests alternate Mind Control to keep a smooth supply of Deathknight Understudies
    4. The same Deathknight Understudy cannot be Mind Controlled again for 60 seconds
    5. Use Shield Wall then Taunt
  3. Disrupting Shout every 25 seconds
    1. Mana users must LOS this abililty
Gothik the Harvester
  1. Live Side (Casters)
    1. Kill Order: Unrelenting Rider > Unrelenting Deathknight > Unrelenting Trainee
    2. Mobs killed on the live side spawn spectral versions on the dead side
    3. Don't overwhelm the dead side. Kite and cc if necessary.
    4. At 2 minutes 30 seconds you can Polymorph the Unrelenting Trainees
    5. Can Shackle Undead the Unrelenting Deathknights
  2. Dead Side (Melee)
    1. Kill Order: Spectral Trainee > Spectral Rider > Spectral Deathknight > Spectral Horse
    2. Melee: Prepop Greater Arcane Protection Potion
  3. Gothik the Harvester descends at 4 minutes 30 seconds
The Four Horsemen
  1. Kill Order: Thane Korth'azz = Highlord Mograine > Lady Blaumeux = Sir Zeliek
  2. Shared: Each horseman applies their mark to all players in their zone (think Firemaw)
    1. Marks deal increasing damage and reduce threat Greater Shadow Protection Potion
    2. Marks start casting at 20 seconds and recast every 12 seconds
    3. The horseman's spirit continues casting marks after they die
    4. Use Disarm
  3. Lady Blaumeux - Void Zone
    1. Don't stand in the circle
    2. Tanks: Reposition slightly as Blaumeax is casting Void Zone
  4. Sir Zeliek - Holy Wrath (think Q'thun green eye beam)
    1. Ranged: Max range and stay 10 yards away from other players because it chains
    2. Melee: Do not dps Zeliek
  5. Thane Korth'azz - Meteor (think AQ Anubisath meteor)
    1. Only approach or leave Thane after a meteor
  6. Highlord Mograine - Righteous Fire
    1. Tanks: Wear 200+ Fire Resistance gear
  1. White Graph: Thane > Mograine backup > Mograine > Thane backup
  2. Orange Graph: Blaumeux > Zeliek backup > Zeliek > Blaumeux backup
  3. Green Graph: Thane > Blaumeux > Zeliek > Mograine
  1. Everyone: Spend 3 marks of time at each state in your graph.
  2. Tanks: 4 tanks use the white graph. Start with 1 tank at each state.
  3. Tanks: 4 tanks use the orange graph. Start with 1 tank at each state.
  4. DPS: Split into 4 balanced groups and use the white graph. Start with 1 group at each state.
  5. DPS: When Thane and Mograine die switch to the orange graph
  6. Healers: Use the green graph
    1. Split 12 healers evenly into raid groups 1,2,3
    2. Each group should start with 1 healer at each state
    3. Group 1 healers move on marks 1-4-7-10
    4. Group 2 healers move on marks 2-5-8-11
    5. Group 3 healers move on marks 3-6-9-12
  1. Everyone: Prepop Greater Frost Protection Potion Juju Chill
  2. Frost Aura 600 frost damage to every raider every 2 seconds
    1. Everyone: Wear Frost Resistance gear (Melee 200, Casters 150, Healers 100, Tanks 0)
    2. Buff Frost Resistance Aura
  3. Phase 1 - Ground
    1. Summon Blizzard avoid the roaming blizzard
    2. Life Drain Greater Shadow Protection Potion
      1. Remove curse
    3. Cleave Tanks: Face Sapphiron away from the raid
    4. Tail Sweep don't stand behind Sapphiron
  4. Phase 2 - Air (every 45 seconds)
    1. Sapphiron casts 5 Icebolts then casts Frost Breath
    2. Icebolt spread out to avoid splash damage
    3. Frost Breath kills anyone in LOS
      1. Hide behind the iceblocks created by Icebolt
  1. Everyone: Prepop Greater Frost Protection Potion Juju Chill
  2. Phase 1 - Adds (raid collapsed to center)
    1. Do not cast Multishot
    2. Melee Kill Order: Unstoppable Abomination > Soul Weaver > Soldier of the Frozen Wastes
    3. Ranged Kill Order: Soul Weaver > Soldier of the Frozen Wastes > Unstoppable Abomination
  3. Phase 2 - Kel'Thuzad (raid spread out)
    1. Frostbolt cast on the Main Tank
      1. Melee: Priority 1 is interrupting this ability
    2. Frostbolt Volley hits every raider every 15 seconds
      1. Everyone: Major Healthstone Major Healing Potion Heavy Runecloth Bandage
    3. Chains of Kel'Thuzad every 60 seconds Magic Dust
      1. Mind controls the Main Tank and 4 random players wiping their threat
      2. Tanks: Tank swap when the Main Tank is mind controlled
      3. Cast Polymorph
      4. Cast Fear
    4. Shadow Fissure don't stand in the circle
    5. Detonate Mana
      1. Mana Users: Stay 10 yards away from others because it hurts others
    6. Frost Blast every 30 seconds
      1. Everyone: Stay 10 yards away from others because it chains and hurts
      2. Healers: Keep Frost Blasted players alive
  4. Phase 3 - Kel'Thuzad + Guardians (40% health)
    1. 5 Guardian of Icecrown spawn
    2. Shackle Undead 3 Guardian of Icecrown
    3. Shackle Shatter shackling a 4th causes them all to break
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