11-13 Loch Modan

Loch Modan
  • Minimum /played: 2 hours, 0 minutes, 0 seconds
  • Minimum Segment Time: 1 hours, 12 minutes, 0 seconds
  • Average /played: 4 hours, 0 minutes, 0 seconds
  • Average Segment Time: 2 hours, 24 minutes, 0 seconds
  1. Run south along the road to the bunker in Valley of Kings (Discover Valley of Kings)
    1. Outside at Mountaineer Cobbleflint, In Defense of the King's Lands 10
    2. At the top at Captain Rugelfuss, The Trogg Threat 10
  1. Run north along the road then east to Stonesplinter Valley (Discover Stonesplinter Valley)
    2. Do In Defense of the King's Lands (Kill 10 Stonesplinter Trogg, 10 Scout)
    3. Do The Trogg Threat (Kill Stonesplinter for 8 Trogg Stone Tooth)
  1. Softcore Grind north then far east to Ironband's Excavation (65, 65)
  2. Softcore (Discover Grizzlepaw Ridge, The Loch, Ironband's Excavation Site)
  3. Softcore At Aldren Cordon,
  4. Softcore At Prospector Ironband, Excavation Progress Report 10
  1. Hardcore Grind to Thelsamar
  2. Softcore Aggro a bunch of mobs to die
  3. Softcore If hearthstone is on cooldown /stuck will instakill you
  4. Softcore Resurrect at Thelsamar. Repair if needed.
  1. At Thelsamar (Discover Thelsamar)
    1. At Innkeeper Hearthstove, Bind your Hearthstone to Thelsamar
      1. Buy up to 20 Ice Cold Milk 125
      2. Buy up to 20 Ice Cold Milk 125
      3. Buy up to 20 Ice Cold Milk 125
      4. Buy up to 20 Ice Cold Milk 125
      5. Buy up to 20 Ice Cold Milk 125
      6. Buy up to 20 Ice Cold Milk 125
    2. At the bar at Vidra Hearthstove, Thelsamar Blood Sausages 9
    3. At Yanni Stoutheart, stock up on Small Brown Pouch 5
    4. At the southeastern-most house
      1. Softcore At Jern Hornhelm, Excavation Progress Report Report to Ironforge 10
      2. At Brock Stoneseeker, Honor Students 10
    5. Outside at patroller Mountaineer Kadrell, Stout to Kadrell
      1. Rat Catching 10
      2. Mountaineer Stormpike's Task 9
  1. Run northeast to Khara Deepwater (40.5, 39), Buy up to 40 Longjaw Mud Snapper 20 (84% savings)
  2. Fishing: At Warg Deepwater, learn Apprentice Fishing
  3. Fishing: At Khara Deepwater, buy 1 Fishing Pole 23
  1. Ongoing: Thelsamar Blood Sausages
    1. Kill bears for 3 Bear Meat
    2. Kill boars for 3 Boar Intestines
    3. Kill spiders for 3 Spider Ichor
  2. Ongoing: Save 10 Chunk of Boar Meat for Cooking
  1. Grind south along the road to the bunker in Valley of Kings
    1. Outside at Mountaineer Cobbleflint, In Defense of the King's Lands
    2. At the top at Captain Rugelfuss, The Trogg Threat
Level 12
  1. Grind north along road to Algaz Station (24, 18) (Discover Algaz Station)
    1. At Gothor Brum,
    2. At the top at Mountaineer Stormpike
      1. Stormpike's Delivery
      2. Mountaineer Stormpike's Task Stormpike's Order 9
      3. Filthy Paws 10
  1. Grind east to Silver Stream Mine (35, 19) (Discover Silver Stream Mine)
    1. Grind inside the mine
    2. HIGH DEATH ALERT (Tunnel Rat Geomancer is very dangerous)
    3. Do Filthy Paws (Loot Miners' League Crates for 4 Miner's Gear)
    4. Do Rat Catching (Kill Tunnel Rat for 12 Tunnel Rat Ear)
  1. At the dam northeast at Nillen Andemar, try buying 1 Heavy Spiked Mace 7350 Equip Heavy Spiked Mace
  2. At the dam northeast at Nillen Andemar, try buying 1 Heavy Spiked Mace 7350 Equip Heavy Spiked Mace
  1. Grind west back to Algaz Station
    1. At Gothor Brum,
    2. At the top at Mountaineer Stormpike, Filthy Paws
  1. Finish Thelsamar Blood Sausages
    1. Kill bears for 3 Bear Meat
    2. Kill boars for 3 Boar Intestines
    3. Kill spiders for 3 Spider Ichor
  1. Grind south to Thelsamar
    1. Outside at patroller Mountaineer Kadrell, Rat Catching
    2. In the inn at Vidra Hearthstove, Thelsamar Blood Sausages
  1. Run southwest to flightmaster Thorgrum Borrelson, Get the Thelsamar flightpoint
    1. Honor Students Ride to Ironforge 5
  1. Fly from Thelsamar to Ironforge, eta 01:44
    1. Run west to The High Seat to Senator Barin Redstone, The Reports
    2. Run north to Golnir Bouldertoe, Ride to Ironforge Gryth Thurden 5
      1. Just southeast at flightmaster Gryth Thurden, Gryth Thurden, skip follow up
    3. Softcore Run northeast to Hall of Explorers
    4. Softcore At Prospector Stormpike, Report to Ironforge, skip follow up
    5. Learn Mend Pet, Wing Clip
    6. Learn Conjure Food, Conjure Food 2, Fireball 3, Slow Fall, Dampen Magic
    7. Learn Seal of Righteousness 2, Blessing of Might 2
    8. Learn Inner Fire, Power Word: Fortitude 2, Power Word: Shield 2
    9. Learn Kick, Sap, Slice and Dice, Parry
    10. Learn Health Funnel, Shadow Bolt 3
    11. Learn Battle Shout 2, Overpower
    12. At Buliwyf Stonehand you can train Fists, Guns, 1H Axes, 2H Axes, 1H Maces, 2H Maces 10
Level 13
    1. Take the tram from Ironforge to Stormwind, a tram shows up every 01:00.
      Craft bandages or cook while you wait.
    2. In Stormwind
    3. In The Park at Nara Meideros, Desperate Prayer 10
    4. In Cathedral Square at High Priestess Laurena, Desperate Prayer (Obtained Desperate Prayer)
    5. Take the Deeprun Tram back to Ironforge
  1. If you want Redemption (Speedrunners should skip)
    1. Take the tram from Ironforge to Stormwind, a tram shows up every 01:00.
      Craft bandages or cook while you wait.
    2. In Stormwind
    3. Run southeast along the road to Goldshire
    4. On the west side of the blacksmith
      1. At Brother Wilhelm, Tome of Divinity 12 (Grants Redemption)
    5. Run northwest back to Stormwind
      1. In the Cathedral Square at Duthorian Rall (40, 30)
        1. Tome of Divinity The Tome of Divinity 12
        2. Use Tome of Divinity, The Tome of Divinity The Tome of Divinity 12
        3. The Tome of Divinity The Tome of Divinity 12
      2. In the Trade District at Stephanie Turner (57, 62)
        1. The Tome of Divinity The Tome of Divinity 12
        2. The Tome of Divinity The Tome of Divinity 12
      3. In the Cathedral Square
        1. At Duthorian Rall, The Tome of Divinity The Tome of Divinity 12
        2. At Gazin Tenorm, The Tome of Divinity The Tome of Divinity 12
    6. Run far east of Stormwind to the center of Stone Cairn Lake (72.5, 51.5)
      1. Use Symbol of Life on Henze Faulk
      2. At Henze Faulk, The Tome of Divinity The Tome of Divinity 12
    7. Run far west back to Stormwind
      1. In the Cathedral Square
        1. At Gazin Tenorm, The Tome of Divinity The Tome of Divinity 12
        2. At Duthorian Rall, The Tome of Divinity (Obtained Redemption)
    8. Take the Deeprun Tram back to Ironforge
  1. If you want Summon Voidwalker
    1. Take the tram from Ironforge to Stormwind, a tram shows up every 01:00.
      Craft bandages or cook while you wait.
    2. In Stormwind
    3. Run southeast along the road to Goldshire
    4. In the basement of the inn
      1. At Remen Marcot, Gakin's Summons 10 (Grants Summon Voidwalker)
    5. Run northwest back to Stormwind
    6. In the Mage Quarter at Gakin the Darkbinder (25, 78.5), Gakin's Summons Surena Caledon 10
    7. Run far southeast back to Goldshire
    8. Run far southeast along the road to Surena Caledon (71, 81)
      1. Do Surena Caledon (Kill Surena Caledon for Surena's Choker)
    9. Run northwest back to Stormwind
    10. At Gakin the Darkbinder (25, 78.5), Surena Caledon The Binding 10
      1. Run down the spiral hallway behind Gakin
      2. Go down stairs 1, turn right
      3. Go down stairs 2, turn right
      4. Go down stairs 3, turn left
      5. Run a bit forward, turn left in the middle of the hallway
      6. Run down the last set of stairs to the Summoning Circle
      7. Use Bloodstone Choker to summon Summoned Voidwalker
      8. Do The Binding (Kill Summoned Voidwalker)
    11. Run upstairs back to Gakin the Darkbinder, The Binding (Obtained Summon Voidwalker)
    12. Take the Deeprun Tram back to Ironforge
  1. If you want Defensive Stance, Sunder Armor, Taunt
    1. Take the tram from Ironforge to Stormwind, a tram shows up every 01:00.
      Craft bandages or cook while you wait.
    2. In Stormwind
    3. In Old Town
      1. At Harry Burlguard, Bartleby the Drunk 10 (Grants Defensive Stance, Sunder Armor, Taunt)
      2. At Bartleby, Get ready for a fight!
        1. Bartleby the Drunk Beat Bartleby 10
        2. Beat Bartleby!
        3. Beat Bartleby Bartleby's Mug 10
      3. At Harry Burlguard, Bartleby's Mug (Obtained Defensive Stance, Sunder Armor, Taunt)
    4. Take the Deeprun Tram back to Ironforge
  1. Exit Ironforge
  1. Hardcore Follow video for directions
  2. Softcore Follow video for directions
  3. Softcore Grind far west to (30.6, 34.6)
  4. Softcore Run northeast up the mountains to (33, 27)
  5. Softcore Jump north off the hill to die
  6. Softcore Resurrect at the Baradin Bay near Menethil Harbor
  7. Softcore Swim and then run southeast to Menethil Harbor
  1. In Menethil Harbor (Discover Menethil Harbor)
    1. Run south to flightmaster Shellei Brondir, Get the Menethil Harbor flightpoint
    2. Run to the northern dock
  1. In Menethil
    1. First Aid: Level First Aid to 40
    2. First Aid: At Fremal Doohickey, learn Heavy Linen Bandage
  1. Take the boat from Menethil Harbor to Auberdine, a boat shows up every 04:55.
    Craft bandages or fish while you wait.
    1. As the boat is approaching Auberdine, jump off to get there faster
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