14-17 Loch Modan

Loch Modan
  1. In Thelsamar at the southeastern-most house at Jern Hornhelm, Ironband's Excavation 13
  1. At the dam northeast at Nillen Andemar, try buying 1 Heavy Spiked Mace 1752
  2. At the dam northeast at Nillen Andemar, try buying 1 Heavy Spiked Mace 1752
  1. Grind south along the road then turn east into Stonesplinter Valley
  2. Grind deep to the southeast HIGH DEATH ALERT
  3. Do In Defense of the King's Lands (Kill 10 Stonesplinter Skullthumper, 10 Stonesplinter Seer)
  1. Grind northwest back to the road and then south to the bunker in Valley of Kings
    1. Outside at Mountaineer Gravelgaw, In Defense of the King's Lands
    2. Inside at Mountaineer Wallbang, In Defense of the King's Lands 12
  1. Grind northeast through Stonesplinter Valley toward Ironband's Excavation
    1. At Huldar, Resupplying the Excavation After the Ambush 13
    2. If Miran is spawned, otherwise come back later
      1. At Miran (respawn 2m), After the Ambush Protecting the Shipment 13
      2. Escort Miran to Ironband's Excavation Site
      3. Enemies don't spawn until you reach Ironband's Excavation Site
      4. When enemies spawn Miran dies quickly so be ready to protect!
      5. At Prospector Ironband, Protecting the Shipment
  1. At Ironband's Excavation
    1. At Magmar Fellhew, Ironband's Excavation Gathering Idols 13
    2. At Aldren Cordon,
  1. Grind southeast around Ironband's Excavation then northeast to Farstrider Lodge
    1. (Discover The Farstrider Lodge)
    2. At Kat Sampson,
    3. Left of entrance at Daryl the Youngling, A Hunter's Boast 12
    4. Right of entrance at Marek Ironheart, Crocolisk Hunting 12
  1. Jump off the lodge heading southwest
    1. Do A Hunter's Boast (Kill 6 Mountain Buzzard)
  1. Return north back to the lodge
    1. This next quest is time sensitive, you can't waste any time!
    2. Left of entrance at Daryl the Youngling, A Hunter's Boast A Hunter's Challenge 14
    3. Equip Daryl's Hunting Rifle
    4. At Kat Sampson,
  1. Grind northwest in the fields
    1. Do A Hunter's Challenge (Kill 5 Elder Mountain Boar)
  1. Grind southeast back to Farstrider Lodge
    1. Left of entrance at Daryl the Youngling, A Hunter's Challenge
    2. Equip Daryl's Shortsword offhand
    3. At Kat Sampson,
    4. At Cliff Hadin, buy 1 Reinforced Bow 3812
    5. Across from entrance at Vyrin Swiftwind, Vyrin's Revenge 15
  1. Grind northwest to Bingles (63, 47)
    1. If you went to Tinker Town, Find Bingles Bingles' Missing Supplies 12
  1. Grind northwest to the southern or middle island in the Loch
    1. Do Crocolisk Hunting (Kill Loch Crocolisk for 5 Crocolisk Meat, 6 Crocolisk Skin)
  1. Grind north to the northern islands in the Loch
    1. Do In Defense of the King's Lands (54, 26.5)
      1. Kill 10 Stonesplinter Shaman , 10 Stonesplinter Bonesnapper
    2. Do Bingles' Missing Supplies, skip if camped
    3. Loot Bingle's Blastencapper (54, 26.5) (respawn 5m)
    4. Loot Bingle's Hammer (52, 24) (respawn 5m)
    5. Loot Bingle's Wrench (49, 30) (respawn 5m)
    6. Loot Bingle's Screwdriver (48.5, 20.5) (respawn 5m)
  1. Grind nearby until Level 16
Level 16
  1. For food/water you should now use Moist Cornbread, Melon Juice or equivalent
  1. Swim northwest to Stonewrought Dam (Discover Stonewrought Dam)
  2. At Nillen Andemar, try buying 1 Heavy Spiked Mace 7350
    1. In the center at Chief Engineer Hinderweir VII, A Dark Threat Looms 16
    2. Run east of the dam to (56, 13)
    3. Loot Suspicious Barrel, A Dark Threat Looms A Dark Threat Looms 16
    4. Run back to the center to Chief Engineer Hinderweir VII, A Dark Threat Looms
  1. Run east of the dam again
  2. Grind far southeast back to Bingles (63, 47), Bingles' Missing Supplies
  1. Grind around the Loch toward Thelsamar
  2. GROUP 2+ Run to (42, 65)
    1. Do Vyrin's Revenge (Kill Ol' Sooty for Ol' Sooty's Head) (respawn 20m)
  1. Grind southwest through Stonesplinter Valley to the bunker in Valley of Kings
    1. At Thorvald Deepforge, (Don't sell Crocolisk Meat)
    2. At the bottom at Mountaineer Wallbang, In Defense of the King's Lands
    3. At the top at Captain Rugelfuss, In Defense of the King's Lands 14
  1. GROUP 2+
    1. Run northeast along the road then turn east into Stonesplinter Valley
    2. Grind through the west of the 2 caves
    3. Take the right path deep through the cave
    4. Do In Defense of the King's Lands (Kill Grawmug, Gnasher , Brawler )
  1. Run back to the bunker southwest in Valley of Kings
    1. At Thorvald Deepforge, (Don't sell Crocolisk Meat)
    2. At the top at Captain Rugelfuss, In Defense of the King's Lands
  1. Grind northeast through Stonesplinter Valley toward Ironband's Excavation
  1. Grind northeast to Ironband's Excavation
    1. Do Gathering Idols (Kill Stonesplinter for 8 Carved Stone Idol)
    2. Back at the camp at Magmar Fellhew, Gathering Idols
    3. Equip Dwarven Flamestick
    4. Equip Trogg Slicer if upgrade
    5. Equip Trogg Slicer if upgrade
    6. At Aldren Cordon, (Don't sell Crocolisk Meat)
  1. Grind southeast around Ironband's Excavation then northeast to Farstrider Lodge
    1. Left of entrance at Daryl the Youngling, Vyrin's Revenge Vyrin's Revenge 15
    2. Across from entrance at Vyrin Swiftwind, Vyrin's Revenge
    3. Hunting Ammo Sack, Hunting Quiver
    4. At Dargh Trueaim, Train spells at your class trainer, Equip new spells
    5. At Kat Sampson, (Don't sell Crocolisk Meat)
    6. Right of entrance at Marek Ironheart, Crocolisk Hunting
  1. Grind nearby until Level 17
Level 17
  1. If your hearthstone is set to Auberdine, Hearth to Auberdine
    1. Continue on the next segment
  1. Hardcore Grind to Thelsamar
  2. Softcore Aggro a bunch of mobs to die
  3. Softcore If hearthstone is on cooldown /stuck will instakill you
  4. Softcore Resurrect at Thelsamar. Repair if needed.
  1. Fly from Thelsamar to Ironforge, eta 01:44
    1. Train spells at your class trainer, Equip new spells
  1. Exit Ironforge
  1. Hardcore Follow video for directions
  2. Softcore Follow video for directions
  3. Softcore Grind far west to (30.6, 34.6)
  4. Softcore Run northeast up the mountains to (33, 27)
  5. Softcore Jump north off the hill to die
  6. Softcore Resurrect at the Baradin Bay near Menethil Harbor
  7. Softcore Swim and then run southeast to Menethil Harbor
  1. In Menethil Harbor (Discover Menethil Harbor)
    1. Run south to flightmaster Shellei Brondir, Get the Menethil Harbor flightpoint
    2. Run to the northern dock
  1. Take the boat from Menethil Harbor to Auberdine, a boat shows up every 04:55.
    Craft bandages or fish while you wait.
    1. As the boat is approaching Auberdine, jump off to get there faster
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Seth Cottle