36-37 Stranglethorn

Stranglethorn Vale
  • Minimum /played: 1 days, 4 hours, 21 minutes, 0 seconds
  • Minimum Segment Time: 1 hours, 50 minutes, 0 seconds
  • Average /played: 2 days, 8 hours, 42 minutes, 0 seconds
  • Average Segment Time: 3 hours, 40 minutes, 0 seconds
  1. In Booty Bay
    1. At the bank
      1. Deposit: Letter of Commendation
      2. Deposit: Karnitol's Satchel
      3. Withdraw: 15 Bloodscalp Ears
      4. Withdraw: 1 Krazek's Crock Pot
      5. Withdraw: 2 Large River Crocolisk Skin
      6. Withdraw: 10 Singing Crystal Shard
    2. Inside the inn
      1. At Innkeeper Skindle, Bind your Hearthstone to Booty Bay
      2. At Crank Fizzlebub
        1. Singing Blue Shards Venture Company Mining 31
        2. Zanzil's Secret 35
      3. Run upstairs
        1. At Kebok, Bloodscalp Ears Hostile Takeover 31
        2. At Krazek
          1. Investigate the Camp
          2. Krazek's Cookery
          3. The Rumormonger
      4. Out on the balcony at Baron Revilgaz
        1. The Stone of the Tides Water Elementals 33
        2. Goblin Sponsorship 29
        3. Destroy Library Scrip
    3. Run northeast on 3rd story of docks to Drizzik
      1. Supply and Demand Some Assembly Required 31
    4. Run southwest to flightmaster Gyll
  1. Fly from Booty Bay to Darkshire, eta 02:46
  2. Run south following the road west to the crossroads
  3. Run south to Stranglethorn Vale
  1. At the Rebel Camp at Sergeant Yohwa, Special Forces 30
  1. Run southwest to Nesingwary's Expedition
    1. At Hemet Nesingwary, Raptor Mastery 28
    2. At Ajeck Rouack, Tiger Mastery 31
    3. At Sir S. J. Erlgadin, Panther Mastery 28
  1. Run east to Kurzen's Compound, grind through the cave
    1. Take the right path through the cave
    2. Do Special Forces (Kill 10 Kurzen Commando , 6 Headshrinker)
    3. Near the stacks of boxes on the platform
    4. Loot Bookie Herod's Strongbox, The Hidden Key The Spy Revealed! 34
    5. Grind back out of the cave
  1. Run south to the hills southeast of Venture Co Base Camp
    1. Do Panther Mastery (Kill 10 Shadowmaw Panther )
  1. Run west to Venture Co Base Camp (Discover Venture Co Base Camp, Lake Nazferiti)
    1. Do Hostile Takeover (Kill Venture Co. Geologist for 8 Tumbled Crystal)
    2. Grind along the coast
      1. Do Some Assembly Required (Kill Snapjaw Crocolisk for 5 Snapjaw Crocolisk Skin)
    3. Grind up the tower, kill Foreman Cozzle for 1 Cozzle's Key
    4. In the small house (43, 20)
      1. Do Goblin Sponsorship (Loot Cozzle's Footlocker for Fuel Regulator Blueprints)
  1. Run west across the river to the raptor spawn
    1. Do Raptor Mastery (Kill 10 Lashtail Raptor )
  1. Run northwest to the hill (32, 17) (Discover Kal'ai Ruins)
    1. Do Tiger Mastery (Kill Sin'Dall for Paw of Sin'Dall)
  1. Run northeast to Nesingwary's Expedition
    1. At Hemet Nesingwary, Raptor Mastery Raptor Mastery 31
    2. At Ajeck Rouack, Tiger Mastery
    3. At Sir S. J. Erlgadin, Panther Mastery Panther Mastery 31
    4. At Jaquilina Dramet,
  1. Run north east to Rebel Camp
    1. At Lieutenant Doren
      1. The Spy Revealed! Patrol Schedules 34
      2. Special Forces Colonel Kurzen 34
    2. At Corporal Sethman, Patrol Schedules Report to Doren 34
    3. At Lieutenant Doren, Report to Doren
  1. Run southwest to the island off the Savage Coast (21, 23)
    1. Do Water Elementals (Kill Lesser Water Elemental for 6 Water Elemental Bracers)
  1. Grind nearby until Level 37
  2. Use Teleport: Moonglade
  3. Learn Pounce, Regrowth 5, Rip 3, Tiger's Fury 2, Frenzied Regeneration
Level 37
  1. Hearth to Booty Bay
    1. Run upstairs in the inn to Kebok, Hostile Takeover Skullsplitter Tusks 37
    2. On the balcony Baron Revilgaz
      1. Water Elementals Magical Analysis 33
      2. Goblin Sponsorship Goblin Sponsorship 37
    3. Run northeast on 3rd story of docks to Drizzik
      1. Some Assembly Required Excelsior 32
    4. At the bank
      1. Deposit: Fuel Regulator Blueprints
      2. Deposit: Singing Blue Crystal
      3. Deposit: Stranglethorn Pages
      4. Withdraw: 1 Farren's Report
      5. Withdraw: 1 Letter of Commendation
      6. Withdraw: 1 Decrypted Letter
      7. Withdraw: 1 Karnitol's Satchel
    5. Use Teleport: Ironforge
      1. Abandon Reassignment
      2. Continue at Ironforge below
    6. Run southwest to the flightmaster
  1. Fly from Booty Bay to Stormwind, eta 03:28
    1. Run northeast to Stormwind Keep
      1. At Major Samuelson, Reassignment
    2. Run southwest to flightmaster Gyll
  1. Fly from Stormwind to Ironforge, eta 04:06
    1. Learn Viper Sting, Mend Pet 4, Arcane Shot 5
    2. Learn Great Stamina 6, Natural Armor 6, Immolation Trap 3
    3. Use Beast Training to teach them to your pet
    4. Learn Exorcism 3, Retribution Aura 3
    5. Learn Holy Fire 4, Power Word: Fortitude 4, Power Word: Shield 6, Smite 6, Mind Soothe 2, Dispel Magic 2
    6. Learn Rupture 3, Instant Poison 3
    7. Learn Create Spellstone, Health Funnel 4, Life Tap 4, Shadow Bolt 6
    8. Learn Whirlwind
    9. From the Bank or Auction House, get 2 Elixir of Water Breathing for later
    10. Run northeast to Hall of Explorers
      1. At Roetten Stonehammer, The Karnitol Shipwreck
      2. At Prospector Stormpike, Ironband Wants You! 30
      3. At Librarian Mae Paledust, Mythology of the Titans 28
    11. Run to flightmaster Gryth Thurden
  1. Fly from Ironforge to Southshore, eta 04:10
    1. Outside the inn at Phin Odelic, Hints of a New Plague 30
    2. Inside the inn at Innkeeper Anderson, Bind your Hearthstone to Southshore
    3. Upstairs in the inn at Raleigh the Devout, Down the Scarlet Path, wait
      1. In the Name of the Light 34
    4. Inside the main hall at Magistrate Henry Maleb
      1. Further Mysteries Dark Council 32
      2. Noble Deaths 32
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