57-58 Blackrock Depths

Blackrock Depths
  • Minimum /played: 3 days, 15 hours, 0 minutes, 9 seconds
  • Minimum Segment Time: 4 hours, 0 minutes, 0 seconds
  • Average /played: 7 days, 6 hours, 0 minutes, 18 seconds
  • Average Segment Time: 8 hours, 0 minutes, 0 seconds
  1. In Ironforge
    1. Phase 5: Northeast of the flightmaster at Cenarion Emissary Jademoon, Taking Back Silithus 54
    2. At the High Seat at King Magni Bronzebeard, Kharan Mighthammer 50
    3. At Innkeeper Firebrew, Bind your Hearthstone to Ironforge
    4. At the Bank
      1. Deposit: Extra cloth
      2. Deposit: Extra potions
      3. Deposit: Recipes
    5. Make sure you are doing your cloth donations
      1. At Mistina Steelshield and Bubulo Acerbus
      2. A Donation of Wool
      3. A Donation of Silk
      4. A Donation of Mageweave
      5. A Donation of Runecloth
Blackrock Depths Quests
  1. In Ironforge at the High Seat at King Magni Bronzebeard, Kharan Mighthammer 50
  1. Run south to Kharanos to Ragnar Thunderbrew, Hurley Blackbreath 50
  1. Run north back to the Ironforge flightmaster
  1. Fly from Ironforge to Morgan's Vigil, eta 05:50
    1. At Oralius, The Good Stuff 50
    2. At Marshal Maxwell, Marshal Windsor 48
    3. At Jalinda Sprig, Overmaster Pyron 48
  1. Run northeast to Cyrus Therepentous (95, 31.5), A Taste of Flame 52
  1. Run west to Flamecrest (65, 24)
    1. At Maxwort Uberglint, The Heart of the Mountain 50
    2. In the cave at Yuka Screwspigot, Ribbly Screwspigot 48
  1. Run west into Blackrock Mountain
    1. Run across the chain to the dangling chamber in the center of the mountain
    2. Jump down to the lower chain to Lothos Riftwaker, Attunement to the Core 55
  1. Jump into the nearby lava to die so you can accept the next quest
  1. Run south back to Blackrock Mountain
    1. Run to the dangling chamber in the center of the mountain
      1. At Franclorn Forgewright
        1. Dark Iron Legacy 48
        2. Dark Iron Legacy
        3. Dark Iron Legacy 48
    2. Jump down the lower chain to Lothos Riftwaker
    3. Resurrect safely
    4. Run through the door next to Lothos Riftwaker
    5. Run through the cavern toward the Blackrock Depths portal
Blackrock Depths
  1. GROUP 3+ Do Overmaster Pyron (Kill Overmaster Pyron)
  1. Run to the Blackrock Depths portal
  2. Enter Blackrock Depths
  1. Ongoing: The Good Stuff (Kill dwarves for 20 Dark Iron Fanny Pack)
  1. Grind to spot 5
    1. Kill High Interrogator Gerstahn for the Prison Cell Key
    2. You may have to repeat this until it drops
  2. Grind to spot 4
    1. Unlock the door
    2. At Marshal Windsor, Marshal Windsor Abandoned Hope 48
  3. Grind to spot 2
    1. Unlock the door
    2. At Kharan Mighthammer, Kharan Mighthammer
      1. Kharan's Tale 50, speak through all the dialogue, Kharan's Tale
      2. The Bearer of Bad News 50
  1. If your party allows you to hearth (beg them)
    1. Continue below at Hearth to Ironforge
  2. If your party does not allow you to hearth
    1. Continue below at Blackrock Depths Part 2
    2. You won't be able to do A Crumpled Up Note Incendius! The Fate of the Kingdom
    3. You will have to do another run to complete them
Blackrock Depths Part 2 Quests
  1. Hearth to Ironforge
    1. At King Magni Bronzebeard, The Bearer of Bad News The Fate of the Kingdom 50
  1. Fly from Ironforge to Morgan's Vigil, eta 05:50
    1. At Marshal Maxwell, Abandoned Hope
    2. At Jalinda Sprig, Overmaster Pyron Incendius! 48
  1. Run far northwest into Blackrock Mountain
    1. Run across the chain to the dangling chamber in the center of the mountain
    2. Jump down to the lower chain to Lothos Riftwaker
    3. Run through the door next to Lothos Riftwaker
    4. Run through the cavern to the entrance of Blackrock Depths
Blackrock Depths Part 2
  1. Kill mobs until you get A Crumpled Up Note
  2. Use A Crumpled Up Note, A Crumpled Up Note 50
  3. Run to spot 4
    1. At Marshal Windsor, A Crumpled Up Note A Shred of Hope 50
  4. Grind to spot 6
    1. Win the arena fight
  5. Grind to spot 8
    1. Your group needs 12 Relic Coffer Key to do this part, come back later if need be
    2. Get ready for a fight
    3. Unlock all 12 Relic Coffer
    4. Win the coffer fight
    5. Do The Heart of the Mountain (Loot Heart of the Mountain for The Heart of the Mountain)
  6. Grind to spot 9
    1. Do Dark Iron Legacy (Kill Fineous Darkvire for Ironfel)
  7. Grind to spot 10
    1. Do Incendius! (Kill Lord Incendius)
  8. Backtrack to spot 7
    1. At the Monument of Franclorn Forgewright, Dark Iron Legacy (Obtained Shadowforge Key)
  1. Grind to spot 11
    1. Do A Taste of Flame (Kill Bael'Gar, Use Altered Black Dragonflight Molt on his corpse)
  2. Grind to spot 12
    1. Unlock The Shadowforge Lock
  3. Grind to spot 13
    1. Clear mobs in these rooms before so they don't aggro on the next boss
    2. Do A Shred of Hope (Kill General Angerforge for Marshal Windsor's Lost Information)
  4. Grind to spot 14
    1. Do A Shred of Hope (Kill Golem Lord Argelmach for Marshal Windsor's Lost Information)
  5. Grind to spot 15
    1. Do Hurley Blackbreath
      1. Break the kegs
      2. Win the keg fight
      3. Loot the Lost Thunderbrew Recipe
    2. Do Ribbly Screwspigot
      1. Speak to Ribbly Screwspigot
      2. Pull the enemies into the keg room
      3. Kill Ribbly Screwspigot for Ribbly's Head
    3. Unlock the next door
      1. At Plugger Spazzring, buy 8 Dark Iron Ale Mug
      2. At Private Rocknot, Rocknot's Ale x 4
      3. Kill Phalanx
  6. Grind to spot 16
    1. Kill Ambassador Flamelash
  7. Grind to spot 18
    1. Kill the 7 dwarf summoners
    2. Loot the Chest of The Seven
  8. Grind to spot 23
    1. Do Attunement to the Core (Loot Core Fragment for Core Fragment)
  9. Grind through spot 19
    1. Mobs continually respawn in this room so move quickly as a group
    2. Kill Shadowforge Flame Keeper for 2 Shadowforge Torch
    3. Use Shadowforge Torch on the braziers to unlock the door
  10. Grind to spot 20
    1. Kill Magmus
  11. Grind to spot 21
    1. Clear the entire room
    2. If anyone in your group has The Fate of the Kingdom
      1. Princess Moira Bronzebeard must survive the fight
    3. Kill Emperor Dagran Thaurissan
    4. Interrupt Princess Moira Bronzebeard when she heals
    5. At Princess Moira Bronzebeard, The Fate of the Kingdom The Princess's Surprise 50
  1. Logout to port to the instance entrance
  2. Zone back into the instance
    1. Run back to Marshal Windsor, A Shred of Hope, wait for the rest of your party to turn in
      1. Jail Break! 50
      2. Escort Marshal Windsor back to the instance portal
Blackrock Depths Part 2 Turn In
  1. Run out of the instance portal and back to Lothos Riftwaker, Attunement to the Core
  1. Exit south out of Blackrock Mountain
  1. Run east to Flamecrest (65, 24)
    1. At Maxwort Uberglint, The Heart of the Mountain
    2. In the cave at Yuka Screwspigot, Ribbly Screwspigot
  1. Run east to Cyrus Therepentous (95, 31.5), A Taste of Flame
  1. Run south to Morgan's Vigil
    1. At Oralius, The Good Stuff
    2. At Marshal Maxwell, Jail Break! Stormwind Rendezvous 50
    3. At Jalinda Sprig, Incendius!
  2. Equip Blade of Reckoning mainhand
  1. Hearth to Ironforge
    1. At King Magni Bronzebeard, The Princess's Surprise
    2. (Obtained Songstone of Ironforge, Magni's Will)
  1. Run south to Kharanos to Ragnar Thunderbrew, Hurley Blackbreath
  2. Equip Limb Cleaver
  3. Equip Limb Cleaver
  1. Use Teleport: Stormwind, continue at Stormwind below
  2. Run north back to Ironforge
  1. Fly from Ironforge to Stormwind, eta 03:20
    1. Run to the entrance of Stormwind to Squire Rowe
      1. Speak through all the dialogue to summon Reginald Windsor
      2. At Reginald Windsor, Stormwind Rendezvous The Great Masquerade 50
      3. Escort Reginald Windsor to Stormwind Keep
        1. Wait through all the dialog
        2. Let Highlord Bolvar Fordragon get aggro
        3. Kill all the elite dragons
      4. At Highlord Bolvar Fordragon
        1. The Great Masquerade The Dragon's Eye 50
        2. The Blightcaller Cometh
    2. Make sure you doing your cloth donations
      1. At Clavicus Knavingham
        1. A Donation of Wool
        2. A Donation of Silk
        3. A Donation of Mageweave
        4. A Donation of Runecloth
    3. Learn Ravage 4, Rejuvenation 10, Entangling Roots 6
    4. Learn Aspect of the Hawk 6, Hunter's Mark 4, Serpent Sting 8
    5. Learn Ice Barrier 4, Cone of Cold 5, Conjure Mana Ruby, Mage Armor 3, Scorch 7
    6. Learn Flash of Light 6, Seal of Wisdom 3
    7. Learn Greater Heal 4, Mind Blast 9, Shadow Word: Pain 8
    8. Learn Desperate Prayer 7
    9. Learn Starshards 7
    10. Learn Kick 4, Sprint 3
    11. Learn Curse of Agony 6, Death Coil 3, Searing Pain 6
    12. Learn Sunder Armor 5
Level 58
  1. Phase 4: Boosting Repeatable turn in ZG Coins
  2. Boosting Level 58 to 60 in 10 minutes (5 million xp/hour)
  3. Boosting Follow video for directions
  4. Boosting 1875 coins at 40 per coin costs 750
  5. Boosting 1875 coins at 50 per coin costs 938
  6. Boosting From the Bank, Auction House, or Trade Chat get:
  7. Boosting Collect 250 Gurubashi Coin, 250 Vilebranch Coin, 250 Witherbark Coin
  8. Boosting Collect 250 Sandfury Coin, 250 Skullsplitter Coin, 250 Bloodscalp Coin
  9. Boosting Collect 125 Hakkari Coin, 125 Zulian Coin, 125 Razzashi Coin
  10. Boosting Collect 1 Green Hakkari Bijou
  11. Boosting At Vinchaxa, A Bijou for Zanza 58
  12. Boosting At the altar, Use Green Hakkari Bijou
  13. Boosting At Vinchaxa, A Bijou for Zanza
  14. Boosting Enable quest auto turnin in an addon like Leatrix
  15. Boosting At Vinchaxa
  16. Boosting Zulian, Razzashi, and Hakkari Coins 125 times
  17. Boosting Gurubashi, Vilebranch, and Witherbark Coins 250 times
  18. Boosting Sandfury, Skullsplitter, and Bloodscalp Coins 250 times
  1. Fly from Stormwind to Booty Bay, eta 03:51
  1. Take the boat from Booty Bay to Ratchet, a boat shows up every 05:50.
    Craft bandages or fish while you wait.
    1. Left of the dock in the hut at Liv Rizzlefix, Volcanic Activity
    2. Run south to the inn to Innkeeper Wiley, Bind your Hearthstone to Ratchet
    3. Run north to flightmaster Bragok
  1. Fly from Ratchet to Gadgetzan, eta 04:07
    1. On the northwest side at Sprinkle
    2. Do Are We There, Yeti? (Use Umi's Mechanical Yeti to scare Sprinkle)
    3. Run south to flightmaster Bragok
  1. Fly from Gadgetzan to Marshal's Refuge, eta 01:38
    1. Just west at Quixxil
    2. Do Are We There, Yeti? (Use Umi's Mechanical Yeti to scare Quixxil)
    3. Run east to the flightmaster
  1. Fly from Marshal's Refuge to Cenarion Hold, eta 01:30
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Seth Cottle