Ahn'Qiraj 20
- 1) Fight Kurinnaxx
- ⇒ MT, OT (Kurinnaxx)
- ⇒ Melee
- ⇒ Raid
- Tanks: Tank swap because Mortal Wound
- Everyone: Avoid Sand Trap
- 2) Fight General Rajaxx
- ⇒ MT (General Rajaxx)
- ⇒ Melee
- ⇒ Raid
- Everyone: This is marathon not a sprint, CC mobs if overwhelmed
- Healers: Keep friendly npcs alive
- 3) Optional: Fight Moam
- ⇒ MT (Moam)
- ⇒ Melee
- ⇒ Raid
- Drain mana because Arcane Eruption
- Banish Mana Fiend so group can kill 1 at a time
- 6) Fight Ossirian the Unscarred
- ⇒ MT, OT (Ossirian the Unscarred)
- ⇒ Melee
- ⇒ Raid
- Everyone: In supreme mode Ossirian will 1 shot you
- Everyone: Kite him over a crystal and activate it to remove supreme mode (activation takes 3 seconds)
- Everyone: Boss should be pulled on an epic mount and kited to a center crystal
- Everyone: Ossirian is immune to taunt. Watch threat especially casters.
- Activate crystals on the edge of the room so they respawn in the center
- Decurse Curse of Tongues
- Everyone: Avoid tornadoes
- 5) Optional: Fight Ayamiss the Hunter
- Kill Order: Hive'Zara Larva > Adds > Ayamiss the Hunter
- Everyone: Kill Hive'Zara Larva before the reach the player on the altar
- Phase 1 - Air
- Ranged: Only ranged can hit Ayamiss so a ranged with high NR gear should tank
- You can use distracting shot to gain aggro and feign death to clear aggro
- Phase 2 - Ground (70% HP)
- Tanks: Pick up Ayamiss, tank swap because Poison Stinger
- 4) Optional: Fight Buru the Gorger
- Phase 1 - Eggs
- Everyone: Buru is mainly killed by kiting him over the eggs as they die
- Everyone: Buru selects a new kiter each time an egg dies
- Healers: Keep the kiter alive
- Phase 2 - Buru (20% HP)
- Everyone: This is a DPS race, kill adds and Buru as soon as possible