11-19 Darkshore
- Minimum /played: 2 hours, 0 minutes, 0 seconds
- Minimum Segment Time: 3 hours, 45 minutes, 0 seconds
- Average /played: 4 hours, 0 minutes, 0 seconds
- Average Segment Time: 7 hours, 30 minutes, 0 seconds
- In Auberdine (Discover Auberdine)
- At Innkeeper Shaussiy,
Bind your Hearthstone to Auberdine
- At Laird,
Buy up to 40 Longjaw Mud Snapper 20
(84% savings)
- On the dock at Cerellean Whiteclaw,
For Love Eternal 11
- Upstairs at Wizbang Cranktoggle,
Buzzbox 827 7
- Run northeast across the bridge to the small lodge
- Outside at Tharnariun Treetender,
Plagued Lands 10
- Inside at Terenthis,
How Big a Threat? 10
- Run southwest to Gwennyth Bly'Leggonde,
Washed Ashore 11
- At flightmaster Caylais Moonfeather,
Get the Auberdine flightpoint
- Grind southwest along the shore toward the Beached Sea Creature (36.5, 51)
- Do
Buzzbox 827 (Kill Pygmy Tide Crawler, Young Reef Crawler for 6 Crawler Leg)
- Do
Washed Ashore (Loot Beached Sea Creature for Sea Creature Bones)
- Run just southeast
- Aggro a Rabid Thistle Bear but don't kill it
- Use Tharnariun's Hope to summon a trap
- Do
Plagued Lands (Rabid Thistle Bear Captured)
- Run just southeast to the furbolg camp (39, 52)
- Do
How Big a Threat? (Find the corrupt furbolg camp)
- Grind north back to Auberdine
- Loot Buzzbox 827,
Buzzbox 827
Buzzbox 411 10
- Near the flightmaster at Gwennyth Bly'Leggonde,
Washed Ashore
Washed Ashore 11
- Ongoing:
Buzzbox 411 (Kill Darkshore Thresher for 3 Thresher Eye)
- Run west down the dock
- At the intersection jump off the south dock
- Swim south underwater to the Skeletal Sea Turtle (32, 46)
- Do
Washed Ashore (Loot Skeletal Sea Turtle for Sea Turtle Remains)
Level 12
- Grind east back to Auberdine
- Near the flightmaster at Gwennyth Bly'Leggonde,
Washed Ashore
- Outside the inn
- Run northeast across the bridge to the small lodge
- Outside at Tharnariun Treetender,
Plagued Lands
Cleansing of the Infected 10
- Inside at Terenthis
- Run northwest across the bridge to the big lodge
- Outside at Gorbold Steelhand,
Deep Ocean, Vast Sea 13
Outside at Gorbold Steelhand, buy 10 Mild Spices 10
- At the campfire, Level Cooking to 10
- Cooking 10: Inside at Alanndarian Nightsong,
Easy Strider Living 9
Inside at Dalmond, buy up to 1000 Heavy Shot 50
Inside at Dalmond, buy up to 1000 Sharp Arrow 50
- Inside at Dalmond, stock up on Small Brown Pouch 5
- Inside at Thundris Windweaver
Level 13
- Cooking 10: Ongoing:
Easy Strider Living (Kill Foreststrider Fledgling, Foreststrider for 5 Strider Meat)
- Ongoing:
Cleansing of the Infected (Kill 20 Rabid Thistle Bear)
- Grind northwest into the water
- Finish
Buzzbox 411 (Kill Darkshore Thresher for 3 Thresher Eye)
- Grind north to the ship wreckage at (38, 29)
- On the west side of the ship swim through a window
- Do
Deep Ocean, Vast Sea (Loot Silver Dawning's Lockbox)
- Grind northeast to the other ship wreckage at (39.5, 27.5)
- Swim through the hole in the bottom of the ship and on the west side
- Do
Deep Ocean, Vast Sea (Loot Mist Veil's Lockbox)
- Grind southeast (42, 28.5)
- Loot Buzzbox 411,
Buzzbox 411
Buzzbox 323 10
- Ongoing:
Buzzbox 323 (Kill Moonstalker Runt, Moonstalker for 6 Moonstalker Fang)
- Grind south to the Beached Sea Creature (42, 31.5)
- Loot Beached Sea Creature,
Beached Sea Creature 13
- Grind northeast to the Beached Sea Turtle (44, 20.5)
- Loot Beached Sea Turtle,
Beached Sea Turtle 12
- Grind east to the bridge (50, 24) (Discover Cliffspring River)
- At the base of the waterfall
- Do
The Cliffspring River (Use Empty Sampling Tube at the base of the waterfall)
- Grind far southwest to Bashal'Aran (44, 36) (Discover Bashal'Aran)
- At Asterion (44, 36),
Bashal'Aran 9
- Do
Bashal'Aran (Kill Vile Sprite, Wild Grell for 8 Grell Earring)
- Back at Asterion,
Bashal'Aran 11
- Do
Bashal'Aran (Kill Deth'ryll Satyr for Ancient Moonstone Seal)
- Back at Asterion,
Bashal'Aran 11
Level 14
Grind south to the owlbeast cave (43, 46)
- Near the stone at the back Use Cenarion Moondust to summon Lunaclaw
- Do
Body and Heart (Kill Lunaclaw)
- Continue running west to Auberdine do not hearth
- Grind southeast to the Mysterious Red Crystal (47, 49)
- Do
The Red Crystal (Locate the red crystal)
- Grind southwest to Ameth'Aran (40, 60) (Discover Ameth'Aran)
- Grind southeast to Ancient Flame (42.5, 62)
- Do
Bashal'Aran (Loot Ancient Flame)
- Just south at The Fall of Ameth'Aran (42.5, 63)
- Do
The Fall of Ameth'Aran (Loot The Fall of Ameth'Aran)
- Grind north to The Lay of Ameth'Aran (43, 59)
- Do
The Fall of Ameth'Aran (Loot The Lay of Ameth'Aran)
- Anaya Dawnrunner has multiple spawns (42, 60.5) (respawn 8m)
- Do
For Love Eternal (Kill Anaya Dawnrunner for Anaya's Pendant)
- Finish
Tools of the Highborne
- Grind southwest back to Sentinel Tysha Moonblade (40, 60),
The Fall of Ameth'Aran
- Grind south in the fields, finish
Cleansing of the Infected (Kill 20 Rabid Thistle Bear)
- Grind northwest to the furbolg camp
- Do
How Big a Threat? (Kill 8 Blackwood Pathfinder
, 5 Blackwood Windtalker
- Grind north to Auberdine
- Near the flightmaster at Gwennyth Bly'Leggonde
- On the dock at Cerellean Whiteclaw,
For Love Eternal
- At Sentinel Glynda Nal'Shea,
The Red Crystal
As Water Cascades 12
- Run northeast across the bridge to the small lodge
- Outside at Tharnariun Treetender,
Cleansing of the Infected
Tharnariun's Hope 12
- Inside at Terenthis,
How Big a Threat?
A Lost Master 10
- Upstairs at Sentinel Elissa Starbreeze,
The Tower of Althalaxx 13
- Run northwest across the bridge to the big lodge
- Outside at Gorbold Steelhand,
Deep Ocean, Vast Sea
Inside at Dalmond, buy up to 1000 Heavy Shot 50
Inside at Dalmond, buy up to 1000 Sharp Arrow 50
- Inside at Thundris Windweaver
- Outside at Archaeologist Hollee,
The Absent Minded Prospector 15
- Run west to the moonwell
- Use Empty Water Tube for
As Water Cascades
- Use Empty Cleansing Bowl for 1 Filled Cleansing Bowl
- Outside the inn at the wanted poster,
WANTED: Murkdeep! 15
- At Kyndri,
Buy up to 40 Melon Juice 5
Buy up to 20 Melon Juice 5
Buy up to 40 Melon Juice 5
Buy up to 40 Melon Juice 5
Buy up to 40 Melon Juice 5
Buy up to 40 Melon Juice 5
Buy up to 20 Moist Cornbread 5
Buy up to 40 Moist Cornbread 5
Buy up to 40 Moist Cornbread 5
Buy up to 40 Moist Cornbread 5
Level 15
For food/water you should now use Moist Cornbread, Melon Juice or equivalent
Fly from Auberdine to Rut'Theran Village, eta 01:20
- Take the pink portal to Darnassus
- Run north to the tree tower (35, 9)
- Run up the ramp to Mathrengyl Bearwalker,
Body and Heart (Obtained Bear Form)
- Take the pink portal to Rut'theran Village
Fly from Rut'Theran Village to Auberdine, eta 01:21
- Grind east and slightly south to Mysterious Red Crystal (47, 49)
- Grind northwest to Asterion (44, 36),
Equip Elven Wand
- Grind east to Blackwood Grain Stores (51, 35)
- Two mobs will spawn you can reset them
- Loot Blackwood Grain Stores for 1 Blackwood Grain Sample
- At Den Mother (respawn 7m) (52.3, 35.8)
- Do
Tharnariun's Hope (Kill Den Mother)
- Grind north to Blackwood Nut Stores (51.8, 33.4)
- Two mobs will spawn you can reset them
- Loot Blackwood Nut Stores for 1 Blackwood Nut Sample
- Grind east to Blackwood Fruit Stores (53, 33.5)
- Two mobs will spawn you can reset them
- Loot Blackwood Fruit Stores for 1 Blackwood Fruit Sample
- Kill Xabraxxis
- Clear to the bonfire then get full health/mana
- Use the cleansing bowl to summon Xabraxxis (furbolgs become friendly)
- Kill Xabraxxis
- Do
The Blackwood Corrupted (Loot Xabraxxis' Demon Bag for Talisman of Corruption)
- GROUP 2+ Grind northeast to the cave Cliffspring Falls (54.4, 31.8)
- GROUP 2+ Do
Cave Mushrooms (Loot 5 Scaber Stalk, 1 Death Cap)
- Grind northeast to the Tower of Althalaxx (55, 25) (Discover Tower of Althalaxx)
- Grind in these fields
- Finish
Buzzbox 323 (Kill moonstalker for 6 Moonstalker Fang)
- Grind west to the bridge
- Loot Buzzbox 323,
Buzzbox 323
Buzzbox 525 10
Level 16
- Grind northeast to the Beached Sea Turtle (53, 18)
- Loot Beached Sea Turtle,
Beached Sea Turtle 13
- Grind northeast along the coast to Gelkak Gyromast,
Gyromast's Retrieval 14
- Grind southwest along the coast
- Look for level 18 Encrusted Reef Crawler
- Do
Gyromast's Retrieval (Kill Encrusted Reef Crawler for Bottom of Gelkak's Key)
- Grind southwest along the coast (44, 20)
- Do
Gyromast's Retrieval (Kill Greymist like Greymist Warrior for Middle of Gelkak's Key)
- Grind northeast to (59, 12)
- Look for level 17 Giant Foreststrider
- Do
Gyromast's Retrieval (Kill Giant Foreststrider for Top of Gelkak's Key)
- Cooking 10: Finish
Easy Strider Living (Kill Foreststrider for 5 Strider Meat)
- Look for level 17-18 Moonstalker Sire
- GROUP 2+ Do
A Lost Master (Kill Moonstalker Sire for 5 Fine Moonstalker Pelt)
- Grind southwest to Gelkak Gyromast,
Gyromast's Retrieval, skip follow up
- Destroy Gyromast's Key
Hearth to Auberdine
- Outside the inn
- At Barithras Moonshade,
Cave Mushrooms
Onu 13
- At Sentinel Glynda Nal'Shea,
The Fragments Within
Equip Oakthrush Staff if upgrade
- Run north across the bridge to the big lodge
- Cooking 10: At Alanndarian Nightsong,
Easy Strider Living
Inside at Dalmond, buy up to 1000 Heavy Shot 50
Inside at Dalmond, buy up to 1000 Sharp Arrow 50
- Inside at Thundris Windweaver,
The Blackwood Corrupted
Equip Moonstone Wand
Equip Wildkeeper Leggings
- Run southeast across the bridge to the small lodge
- Outside at Tharnariun Treetender,
Tharnariun's Hope
- Inside at Terenthis,
A Lost Master
A Lost Master 16
- Southwest in the inn at Kyndri,
Buy up to 40 Melon Juice 5
Buy up to 20 Melon Juice 5
Buy up to 40 Melon Juice 5
Buy up to 40 Melon Juice 5
Buy up to 40 Melon Juice 5
Buy up to 40 Melon Juice 5
Buy up to 20 Moist Cornbread 5
Buy up to 40 Moist Cornbread 5
Buy up to 40 Moist Cornbread 5
Buy up to 40 Moist Cornbread 5
- Near the flightmaster at Gwennyth Bly'Leggonde,
Beached Sea Turtle
- On the beach at Gubber Blump,
Fruit of the Sea 15
Go to Darnassus
Learn Enrage, Regrowth, Thorns 2, Wrath 3, Healing Touch 3, Bash, Swipe, Rejuvenation 3, Moonfire 3
Learn 12 skills: Mend Pet, Wing Clip
Learn 14 skills: Arcane Shot 2, Eagle Eye, Scare Beast
Learn 16 skills: Immolation Trap Raptor Strike
At Silvaria learn 10 pet skills: Great Stamina, Natural Armor
At Silvaria Learn 12 pet skills: Great Stamina 2, Natural Armor 2
Use Beast Training to teach them to your pet
Learn 12 skills: Inner Fire, Power Word: Fortitude 2, Power Word: Shield 2
Learn 14 skills: Cure Disease, Psychic Scream, Renew 2, Smite 3
Learn 16 skills: Heal, Mind Blast 2
At Mythidan, buy 1 Hammer 50
Equip Hammer mainhand
Learn 12 skills: Kick, Sap, Slice and Dice, Parry
Learn 14 skills: Garrote, Sinister Strike 3
Learn 16 skills: Eviscerate 3, Pick Lock
Learn 14 skills: Demoralizing Shout
Learn 16 skills: Heroic Strike 3
At Warrior's Terrace at Ilyenia Moonfire, learn Bows, Staves, Daggers 10
At Nessa Shadowsong,
Return to Nessa
At flightmaster Vesprystus,
Fly from Rut'Theran Village to Auberdine, eta 01:21
Level 17
- Grind far south to the Beached Sea Turtle (37, 62)
- Loot Beached Sea Turtle,
Beached Sea Turtle 11
- Grind further south to the Beached Sea Creature (36.5, 71)
- Loot Beached Sea Creature,
Beached Sea Creature 12
- Ongoing:
Fruit of the Sea (Kill Reef Crawler for 6 Fine Crab Chunk)
- GROUP 2+ Grind further south to the murloc camp (36, 76)
- GROUP 2+ Clear the entire camp to summon Murkdeep
- GROUP 2+ Do
Wanted: Murkdeep! (Kill Murkdeep
- Grind south along the coast
- Finish
Fruit of the Sea (Kill Reef Crawler for 6 Fine Crab Chunk)
- Grind southwest to the Beached Sea Creature (33, 81)
- Loot Beached Sea Creature,
Beached Sea Creature 12
- Grind further southwest to the Beached Sea Turtle (31.7, 83.7)
- Loot Beached Sea Turtle,
Beached Sea Turtle 13
- Swim further southwest to the Beached Sea Creature (31, 85.5)
- Loot Beached Sea Creature,
Beached Sea Creature 13
- Grind carefully south to the Beached Sea Creature (31, 87.5)
- Loot Beached Sea Creature,
Beached Sea Creature 13
- Ongoing:
Buzzbox 525 (Kill Grizzled Thistle Bear for 4 Grizzled Scalp)
- Swim then grind northeast to Prospector Remtravel (35.7, 83.7) (Discover Remtravel Expedition)
- Disable quest auto turnin addons
- At Prospector Remtravel,
The Absent Minded Prospector
- GROUP 2+ At Prospector Remtravel,
The Absent Minded Prospector 16
- GROUP 2+ Do
The Absent Minded Prospector (Escort Prospector Remtravel through the camp)
- Reenable quest auto turnin addons
- Grind northeast to Onu (43.5, 76.5) (Discover The Master's Glaive, Grove of the Ancients)
- At Tiyani,
- At Onu,
The Master's Glaive 14
Grove of the Ancients
- Grind southwest to the Twilight Tome (38.5, 86)
- Near the table, Use Phial of Scrying to summon Scrying Bowl
- Loot Scrying Bowl,
The Master's Glaive
The Twilight Camp 14
- On the podium loot Twilight Tome,
The Twilight Camp
Return to Onu 13
- Grind just southeast to Therylune (38.5, 87)
Therylune's Escape 14
- Do
Therylune's Escape (Escort Therylune out of the camp)
- Grind northeast toward the pond
- Finish
Buzzbox 525 (Kill Grizzled Thistle Bear for 4 Grizzled Scalp)
- Just west of the pond, loot Buzzbox 525,
Buzzbox 525
Level 18
- Grind northeast back to Onu (43.5, 76.5)
- At Tiyani,
- At Onu,
Return to Onu
- Destroy Phial of Scrying
- Just east at Kerlonian Evershade,
The Sleeper Has Awakened 17
- Loot Kerlonian's Chest for 1 Horn of Awakening
- If Kerlonian Evershade falls asleep, Use Horn of Awakening
- Stay just east of the road the entire way to avoid quest spawns
- Grind south to the cave
- Equip Enchanted Moonstalker Cloak
- At Volcor,
A Lost Master
Escape Through Force 10
Escape Through Force (Help Volcor to the road)
Escape Through Stealth 10
Escape Through Stealth (Help Volcor escape the cave)
- Grind south to (46, 90.3) (skip if npc is gone)
- At Sentinel Aynasha,
One Shot. One Kill. 10
- Do
One Shot. One Kill. (Protect Sentinel Aynasha)
- Grind south to Ashenvale
- Do
The Sleeper Has Awakened (Escort Kerlonian Evershade to Maestra's Post in Ashenvale)
- Run south along the road to Maestra's Post (Discover Maestra's Post)
- Outside the purple lodge at Sentinel Onaeya,
One Shot. One Kill.
- Inside the purple lodge at Liladris Moonriver,
The Sleeper Has Awakened
- Just south at Delgren the Purifier,
The Tower of Althalaxx, skip follow up
Save Owlsight Rifle for later
Equip Owlsight Rifle
- Grind southwest to Therysil (23, 52)
Therylune's Escape (Discover Shrine of Aessina)
- Grind northeast back to the road
- Grind east to Astranaar (Discover Astranaar)
- At flightmaster Daelyshia,
Get the Astranaar flightpoint
Hearth to Auberdine
- Near the flightmaster at Gwennyth Bly'Leggonde
Beached Sea Turtle
Beached Sea Creature
Beached Sea Creature
Beached Sea Turtle
Beached Sea Creature
Beached Sea Creature
- On the shore at Gubber Blump,
Fruit of the Sea
- Run northeast at Sentinel Glynda Nal'Shea,
WANTED: Murkdeep!
- Run northeast across the bridge to the small lodge
- Inside at Terenthis
Escape Through Force
Equip Steadfast Cinch
Escape Through Stealth
Equip Scarab Trousers
Level 19
- If you did
The Absent Minded Prospector
- Northwest across the bridge at Archaeologist Hollee
The Absent Minded Prospector
The Absent Minded Prospector 15
Fly from Auberdine to Rut'Theran Village, eta 01:20
- Take the pink portal to Darnassus
- Outside Temple of the Moon at Chief Archaeologist Greywhisker
The Absent Minded Prospector
The Absent Minded Prospector 16
Optional: (Not recommended)
- For Cure Poison at Mathrengyl Bearwalker,
Lessons Anew
- For Aquatic Form at Mathrengyl Bearwalker,
A Lesson to Learn
- Take the pink portal to Rut'theran Village
- Run southeast to flightmaster Vesprystus
Fly from Rut'Theran Village to Auberdine, eta 01:21
- Run to the southern dock
Take the boat from Auberdine to Menethil Harbor, a boat shows up every 04:55.
Craft bandages or fish while you wait.At Shellei Brondir,
Get the Menethil Harbor flightpoint
- Upstairs in the inn at Archaeologist Flagongut
- First Aid: Level First Aid to 75
- First Aid: Learn Journeyman First Aid
At blacksmith Brak Durnad, try buying 1 Executioner's Sword 1
Equip Executioner's Sword
At blacksmith Brak Durnad, try buying 1 Executioner's Sword 1
Equip Executioner's Sword
Otherwise try buying 1 Blessed Claymore 1
Equip Blessed Claymore
Otherwise try buying 1 Blessed Claymore 1
Equip Blessed Claymore
- Run to flightmaster Shellei Brondir
Hardcore For logout skip Follow video for directions
Hardcore For 45 minute swim Follow video for directions
Softcore Swim southwest to Dun Morogh (17.8, 16.8)
Drown yourself
Resurrect at Kharanos
Softcore Run north to Ironforge
Fly from Menethil Harbor to Ironforge, eta 01:24
At the bank Deposit: Light Quiver
At the bank Deposit: Sharp Arrow
At flightmaster Gryth Thurden,
Get the Ironforge flightpoint
- If you got the rare drop Book: The Powers Below
- Use Book: The Powers Below,
The Powers Below 15
- Run north to The Forlon Cavern to Gerrig Bonegrip,
The Powers Below
- Run southeast to Tinker Town
- At Gnoarn,
Speak with Shoni 15
- At Gearcutter Cogspinner, try buying 1 Bronze Tube 8
for later
- At Buliwyf Stonehand you can train Fists, Guns, 1H Axes, 2H Axes, 1H Maces, 2H Maces 10
At Buliwyf Stonehand, learn Guns, 2H Axes 10
At Buliwyf Stonehand, learn Guns 10
At Buliwyf Stonehand, learn Guns 10
Equip Owlsight Rifle
1 Small Shot Pouch 10
1200 Heavy Shot 50
400 Heavy Shot 50
- Run to the Deeprun Tram
Take the tram from Ironforge to Stormwind, a tram shows up every 01:00.
Craft bandages or cook while you wait.
- In Stormwind
- In the Dwarven District
- At Shoni the Shilent,
Speak with Shoni
- At Billibub Cogspinner, try buying 1 Bronze Tube 8
for later
At Furen Longbeard,
Stormpike's Order
At Theridran, learn 18 skills: Entangling Roots 2, Faerie Fire, Hibernate, Maul 2, Regrowth 2
At Einris Brightspear, learn 18 skills: Aspect of the Hawk 2, Serpent Sting 3
At Karrina Mekenda, learn Great Stamina 3, Natural Armor 3
Use Beast Training to teach them to your pet
Learn 14 skills: Arcane Explosion, Arcane Intellect 2, Fire Blast 2, Frostbolt 3
Learn 16 skills: Flamestrike
Learn 18 skills: Remove Lesser Curse, Fireball 4
Learn 14 skills: Blessing of Wisdom, Holy Light 3, Seal of the Crusader 1, Seal of the Crusader 2
Learn 16 skills: Retribution Aura
Learn 18 skills: Divine Protection 2, Seal of Rightousness 3
Learn 18 skills: Dispel Magic, Power Word: Shield 3, Shadow Word: Pain 3
Learn Desperate Prayer 2
Learn Starshards 2
In Old Town at SI:7 at Renzik "The Shiv",
Redridge Rendezvous 16
Learn 14 skills: Corruption 2, Drain Life
Learn 16 skills: Life Tap 2, Unending Breath
Learn 18 skills: Soulstone, Curse of Agony 2
- Outside the trade district at the Fragrant Flowers shop (65.2, 59.6)
- At Felicia Gump, buy 1 Stormwind Seasoning Herbs 20
for later
- At Woo Ping you can train Crossbows, Daggers, 1H Swords, Staves, 2H Swords 10
, Polearms 1
At Woo Ping, learn 2H Swords, Crossbows 10
At Gunther Weller, buy 1 Kris 71
Equip Kris offhand
- At flightmaster Dungar Longdrink,
Get the Stormwind City flightpoint
- There are multiple paths to level 60
Fly from Stormwind to Lakeshire, eta 01:47
- Run east to Redridge
- Continue to the next segment
18-22 Deadmines
22-29 Stockades
18-24 Wailing Caverns
24-29 Shadowfang Keep
- 29-33 Scarlet Monastery Graveyard
- 33-36 Scarlet Monastery Library
- 36-40 Scarlet Monastery Armory
- 40-44 Scarlet Monastery Cathedral
- 44-50 Zul'Farrak
- 50-58 Maraudon
- 52-60 Blackrock Depths
- 56-60 Lower Blackrock Spire
- 58-60 Upper Blackrock Spire
Mage AOE
20-24 Mosshide Fern: Mosshide Gnoll, Mosshide Mongrel, Mosshide Fenrunner
24-28 Raven Hill Cemetary: Skeletal Fiend, Carrion Recluse, Grave Robber
28-33 The Rotting Orchard: Nightbane Vile Fang, Nightbane Tainted One
32-36 Go'shek Farm: Hammerfall Peon, Hammerfall Grunt
22-26 Hillsbrad Fields: Hillsbrad Farmhand
26-30 Azurelode Mine: Hillsbrad Miner, Hillsbrad Foreman
30-36 Dabyrie Farmstead: Dabyrie Militia, Dabyrie Laborer
- 33-36 Sofera's Naze: Syndicate Footpad, Syndicate Thief
- 36-42 Dreadmurk Shore: Mirefin Murloc, Mirefin Coastrunner
- 40-44 Waterspring Field: Wastewander Bandit, Wastewander Thief
- 44-49 Lost Rigger Cove: Southsea Pirate, Southsea Swashbuckler, Southsea Dock Worker
- 49-51 Sorrow Hill: Slavering Ghoul, Skeletal Flayer
- 51-55 Dalson's Tears: Rotting Cadaver, Blighted Zombie, Skeletal Terror
- 55-60 Hearthglen: Scarlet Worker
- 55-60 Shatterspear Village: Shatterspear Troll