32-33 Hillsbrad
- Minimum /played: 22 hours, 40 minutes, 0 seconds
- Minimum Segment Time: 1 hours, 25 minutes, 0 seconds
- Average /played: 1 days, 21 hours, 20 minutes, 0 seconds
- Average Segment Time: 2 hours, 50 minutes, 0 seconds
- Current Quest Log: 12/20
- Hillsbrad Foothills
- Ironforge
A King's Tribute
- Stranglethorn Vale
Supply and Demand
Investigate the Camp
Bloodscalp Ears
Singing Blue Shards
Krazek's Cookery
The Hidden Key
The Stone of the Tides
- Thousand Needles
- In Southshore
- Run southeast to the stables at Darren Malvew,
Costly Menace 30
- At Robert Aebischer,
- At the northwest-most house at Micha Yance, buy 1 Soothing Spices 1
- Outside the main hall at Marshal Redpath,
Crushridge Bounty 30
- Inside the inn at Chef Jessen,
Soothing Turtle Bisque
- At Innkeeper Anderson,
Bind your Hearthstone to Southshore
- Inside the main hall at Magistrate Henry Maleb,
Syndicate Assassins 26
- Run north of Southshore to the Yeti Cave
- Do
A King's Tribute (Loot Alterac Granite for 5 Alterac Granite)
- If you need to sell run to Thanthaldis Snowgleam (39.5, 81.5)
- Just north are 4 hilltops
- On the west 2 hills do
Costly Menace (Kill 8 Mountain Lion
, 10 Hulking Mountain Lion
- On the east 2 hills do
Syndicate Assassins (Kill 12 Syndicate Footpad, 8 Syndicate Thief
- On Sofera's Naze loot Syndicate Documents on the table
Foreboding Plans 29
Encrypted Letter 29
Grind east across the river to Bath'rah the Windwatcher (79.3, 7)
The Windwatcher, skip follow up
- Follow up is
Cyclonian (Grants Whirlwind Axe)
- Not recommended on fresh server or speedrun but groupable if you want
- Run northwest to Gallow's Corner in Ruins of Alterac (Discover Gallow's Corner)
- Do
Crushridge Bounty (Kill Crushridge Ogre
for 9 Dirty Knucklebone)
Level 33
- Grind nearby until Level 33 and 10 bars
Hearth to Southshore
- Outside the main hall at Marshal Redpath,
Crushridge Bounty
- Inside the main hall at Magistrate Henry Maleb,
Syndicate Assassins
Foreboding Plans
- At the northeast house at Loremaster Dibbs,
Encrypted Letter
Letter to Stormpike 29
- Run east to the stables to Darren Malvew,
Costly Menace
Use Teleport: Ironforge, continue at Ironforge below
- Run northwest to flightmaster Darla Harris
Fly from Southshore to Ironforge, eta 03:15
- Run northeast to Hall of Explorers
- Left of entrance at Roetten Stonehammer,
Reclaimers' Business in Desolace 30
- At Prospector Stormpike,
Letter to Stormpike
Further Mysteries 29
- Far south in Ironforge at Grand Mason Marblesten,
A King's Tribute, wait,
A King's Tribute 25
- Run north to the High Seat to King Magni Bronzebeard,
A King's Tribute
- Deposit and restock goods at the bank and auction house
- Deposit: Decrypted Letter
- Deposit: Extra Cloth
- First Aid: Level First Aid to 225
- In the Ironforge Armory at Mangorn Flinthammer,
Use Teleport: Moonglade
- Run southwest to flightmaster Sindrayl (48, 67)
Fly from Moonglade to Astranaar, eta 05:02
- Continue at Astranaar below
Fly from Ironforge to Menethil Harbor, eta 02:02
- Run to the northwest docks
Take the boat from Menethil Harbor to Auberdine, a boat shows up every 04:55.
Craft bandages or fish while you wait.- Run just south to the flightmaster
Fly from Auberdine to Rut'Theran Village, eta 01:20
- Run through the pink portal to Darnassus
- In The Temple of the Moon at Elissa Dumas, learn Teleport: Darnassus
- Run through the pink portal to Rut'Theran Village
Fly from Rut'Theran Village to Astranaar, eta 04:07
Fly from Auberdine to Astranaar, eta 02:48
- Run southeast of Astranaar to the cave named Talondeep Path (42, 72)
- Follow the cobblestones through cave to Stonetalon Mountains (Discover The Talondeep Path)
- In Stonetalon Mountains
- Run southwest to the crossroads (60, 71) (Discover Windshear Crag, Webwinder Path)
- Run northwest to the crossroads (43, 43) (Discover Mirkfallon Lake)
- Run southwest to Desolace (Discover The Charred Vale)