19-20 Redridge

  • Minimum /played: 5 hours, 45 minutes, 0 seconds
  • Minimum Segment Time: 2 hours, 0 minutes, 0 seconds
  • Average /played: 11 hours, 30 minutes, 0 seconds
  • Average Segment Time: 4 hours, 0 minutes, 0 seconds
    1. Run northeast along the road to Guard Parker, Encroaching Gnolls 11
    2. Grind northeast to Deputy Feldon, Encroaching Gnolls Assessing the Threat 11
    3. At flightmaster Ariena Stormfeather, Get the Lakeshire flightpoint
  1. Run north across the bridge to Lakeshire
    1. At Marshal Marris, Blackrock Menace 18
    2. At Foreman Oslow, The Lost Tools 15 The Everstill Bridge 15
    3. At the stables at Verner Osgood, The Price of Shoes 14
    4. On the dock at Shawn, Hilary's Necklace 14
    5. On the dock at Lucius, Redridge Rendezvous Alther's Mill 16
    6. In the main hall at Magistrate Solomon, Messenger to Stormwind 14
    7. Outside at Lindsay Ashlock,
    8. At Dockmaster Baren, Selling Fish 16
    9. Inside the inn
      1. At Darcy, A Free Lunch 14
      2. At Innkeeper Brianna, Bind your Hearthstone to Lakeshire
      3. At Kimberly Hiett, buy up to 1000 Sharp Arrow 50
      4. Upstairs at Franklin Hamar, try buying 1 Wise Man's Belt 1393 Equip Wise Man's Belt
      5. Upstairs at Franklin Hamar, try buying 1 Wise Man's Belt 1393 Equip Wise Man's Belt
      6. Upstairs at Franklin Hamar, try buying 1 Wise Man's Belt 1393 Equip Wise Man's Belt
    10. Run west to the big house to Chef Breanna, Redridge Goulash 15
  1. Grind southwest across the lake to Guard Parker
  2. A Free Lunch Visit the Herbalist 14
  3. Encroaching Gnolls 11
  4. Grind northeast to Deputy Feldon, Encroaching Gnolls Assessing the Threat 11
  1. Grind south of the lake
  2. Ongoing: Southwest Redridge Goulash (Kill Tarantula for 5 Crisp Spider Meat)
  3. Ongoing: South Redridge Goulash (Kill Great Goretusk for 5 Great Goretusk Snout)
  4. Ongoing: South Assessing the Threat (Kill 10 Redridge Mongrel, 6 Redridge Poacher)
  5. Ongoing: South Selling Fish (Kill Murloc for 10 Spotted Sunfish)
  6. Ongoing: South Kill Murloc for 8 Murloc Fin
  7. Ongoing: Southeast Redridge Goulash (Kill Dire Condor for 5 Tough Condor Meat)
  8. Ongoing: Southeast Blackrock Menace (Kill Blackrock for 10 Battleworn Axe)
  1. Grind west back to Deputy Feldon, Assessing the Threat
  1. Grind northeast into the water to (38, 54.5)
    1. Do Hilary's Necklace (Loot Glinting Mud for Hilary's Necklace) (spawns randomly)
  2. Just east at (41.5, 54.5)
    1. Do The Lost Tools (Loot Sunken Chest for Oslow's Toolboxe)
  1. Run west back to Lakeshire
  2. At Marshal Marris, Blackrock Menace, skip follow up
  3. At Foreman Oslow, The Lost Tools
  4. On the dock at Hilary, Hilary's Necklace
  5. At Lindsay Ashlock,
  6. Run west to the far houses
    1. At Martie Jainrose, Visit the Herbalist Delivering Daffodils 14
    2. At Chef Breanna, Redridge Goulash
  7. Inside the inn at Darcy, Delivering Daffodils
  8. At Kimberly Hiett, buy up to 1000 Sharp Arrow 50
  9. At Dockmaster Baren, Selling Fish
  10. Murloc Poachers 20
  11. Murloc Poachers
Level 20
  1. Run southwest across the lake
  2. Take the south road into Duskwood
  3. Grind along the road to Darkshire
    1. Southeast at Herble Baubbletump, try buying 1 Bronze Tube 8
    2. Run north to flightmaster Felicia Maline, Get the Darkshire flightpoint
  1. Fly from Darkshire to Stormwind, eta 01:24
    1. Learn Cat Form, Claw, Healing Touch 4, Mark of the Wild 3, Prowl, Rip
    2. Learn Aspect of the Cheetah, Dual Wield, Mend Pet 2, Arcane Shot 3, Freezing Trap, Disengage
    3. Learn Growl 3, Nature Res, Shadow Res, Fire Res
    4. Use Beast Training to teach them to your pet
    5. At Larimaine Purdue, learn Teleport: Stormwind
    6. Learn Blink, Blizzard, Conjure Water 3, Evocation, Frost Armor 3, Frostbolt 4, Mana Shield, Polymorph 2
    7. Learn Consecration, Flash of Light, Exorcism, Devotion Aura 3
    8. In the Cathedral Square
      1. At Brother Joshua, Arcane Feedback 20
      2. At High Priestess Laurena, Arcane Feedback (Obtained Feedback)
    9. Take the Deeprun Tram to Ironforge
      1. In The Mystic Ward at Toldren Deepiron, A Lack of Fear 20
      2. At High Priest Rohan, A Lack of Fear (Obtained Fear Ward)
      3. Take the Deeprun Tram to Stormwind
    10. Learn Flash Heal, Holy Fire, Inner Fire 2, Renew 3
    11. In Old Town at SI:7
      1. At Master Mathias Shaw, Mathias and the Defias 20 (Grants Poisons, Recipe: Thistle Tea)
      2. Learn Stealth 2, Rupture, Ambush
    12. Learn Demon Armor, Health Funnel 2, Immolate 3, Shadowbolt 4, Rain of Fire
    13. Learn Cleave, Retaliation
    14. In the Trade District at Kyra Boucher, stock reagents
    15. In the Trade District at Kyra Boucher, 10 Rune of Teleportation 10
    16. In the Trade District at Kyra Boucher, stock reagents
    17. In the Trade District at Kyra Boucher, stock reagents
    18. From the Auction house, try buying 1 Bronze Tube 8
    19. At the bank, Deposit: Extra cloth
    20. Deposit: Small Shot Pouch
    21. Deposit: Heavy Shot
    22. Cooking: Level Cooking to 50
    23. Cooking: Learn Journeyman Cook
    24. At the entrance of Stormwind
    25. At General Marcus Jonathan, Messenger to Stormwind Messenger to Stormwind 14
  1. Exit Stormwind and run southeast to Goldshire
  2. At the blacksmith Smith Argus, The Price of Shoes Return to Verner 14
  3. First Aid: Upstairs in the inn at Michelle Belle
  4. First Aid: Learn Wool Bandage
  1. Hearth to Lakeshire
  2. In the main hall at Magistrate Solomon, Messenger to Stormwind Messenger to Westfall 14
  3. At the stables at Verner Osgood, Return to Verner
  4. Underbelly Scales 14
  5. A Baying of Gnolls 15
  1. Run northeast along the road to the gnoll camps
  2. Do A Baying of Gnolls (Kill 10 Redridge Brute, 8 Redridge Mystic) (39, 32)
  3. Do The Everstill Bridge (Kill gnolls for 5 Iron Pike, 5 Iron Rivet)
  4. Do Underbelly Scales (Kill Black Dragon Whelp for 6 Underbelly Whelp Scale)
  1. Grind northeast to Alther's Mill
  2. Do Alther's Mill (Loot Lucius's Lockbox for Token of Thievery)
  3. Level Lockpicking to 80
  1. Grind west back to Lakeshire
  2. At Lindsay Ashlock,
  3. At Verner Osgood, Underbelly Scales A Baying of Gnolls
  4. At Foreman Oslow, The Everstill Bridge
  5. On the dock at Lucius, Alther's Mill
  6. Destroy Certificate of Thievery
  1. Fly from Lakeshire to Darkshire, eta 01:03
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Seth Cottle