Mage AOE Guide

  1. Arcane Explosion Rotation:
    1. Ice Barrier/Mana Shield > Pull > Arcane Explosion (Repeat) > Frost Nova > Flamestrike > Arcane Explosion (Repeat)
  2. Blizzard Rotation:
    1. Ice Barrier/Mana Shield > Pull > Cone of Cold > Frost Nova > Get Range > Blizzard > Blizzard > Cone of Cold > Frost Nova > Get Range > Blizzard > Arcane Explosion (Repeat)
  1. Normal guide until level 22
  1. 20-24 Wetlands
    1. Pull 1: Mosshide Camp - North
      1. Mosshide Gnoll, Mosshide Mongrel, Mosshide Fenrunner
    2. Pull 2: Mosshide Camp - Center
      1. Mosshide Gnoll, Mosshide Mongrel, Mosshide Fenrunner
    3. Pull 3: Mosshide Camp - South
      1. Mosshide Gnoll, Mosshide Mongrel, Mosshide Fenrunner
  1. 24-29 Duskwood
    1. Pull 1: Raven Hill Cemetary - East
    2. Pull 2: Raven Hill Cemetary - West
  1. 27-33 Duskwood
    1. Pull 1: Roland's Doom mine - North
      1. Nightbane Vile Fang, Nightbane Vile Tainted One
    2. Pull 2: Roland's Doom mine - South
      1. Nightbane Vile Fang, Nightbane Vile Tainted One
    3. Pull 3: Roland's Doom mine - Cliff
      1. Nightbane Vile Fang, Nightbane Vile Tainted One
  1. 33-36 Arathi Highlands (Go'shek Farm)
  1. 36-40 Dustwallow Marsh (Dreadmurk Shore) - 6 hours
    1. Pull 1: Dreadmurk Shore - Murlocs
      1. Mirefin Murloc, Mirefin Coastrunner
    2. Pull 2: Dreadmurk Shore - Murlocs/Turtles
      1. Mirefin Murloc, Mirefin Coastrunner
    3. Pull 3: Dreadmurk Shore - Turtles
      1. Mirefin Murloc, Mirefin Coastrunner
  1. 40-44 Tanaris - 6 hours
    1. Pull 1: Noonshade Ruins (60, 24)
      1. Wastewander Bandit Wastewander Thief
    2. Pull 2: Waterspring Field - North (62, 33)
      1. Wastewander Bandit Wastewander Thief
    3. Pull 3: Waterspring Field - South (62, 33)
      1. Wastewander Bandit Wastewander Thief
  1. 44-49 Tanaris - 7 hours
    1. Pull 1: Lost Rigger Cove - Dock
      1. Southsea Swashbuckler
    2. Pull 2: Lost Rigger Cove - Boat
      1. Southsea Dock Worker
    3. Pull 3: Lost Rigger Cove - Buildings
      1. Clear Southsea Freebooter
      2. Southsea Dock Worker, Southsea Pirate, Southsea Swashbuckler, Andre Firebeard
  1. 49-51 Western Plaguelands - 3 hours
    1. Pull 1: Sorrow Hill - South
      1. Slavering Ghoul, Skeletal Flayer
    2. Pull 2: Sorrow Hill - North east
      1. Slavering Ghoul, Skeletal Flayer
    3. Pull 3: Sorrow Hill - North west
      1. Slavering Ghoul, Skeletal Flayer
  1. 51-55 Western Plaguelands - 6 hours
    1. Pull 1: Dalson's Tears - South
      1. Rotting Cadaver, Blighted Zombie, Skeletal Terror
    2. Pull 2: Dalson's Tears - North
      1. Rotting Cadaver, Blighted Zombie, Skeletal Terror
    3. Pull 3: Dalson's Tears - North Barns
      1. Rotting Cadaver, Blighted Zombie, Skeletal Terror
  1. 55-60 Western Plaguelands (Hearthglen) - 10 hours
    1. Pull 1: Hearthglen - Lumbermill
      1. Scarlet Worker
    2. Pull 2: Hearthglen - Blacksmith/Mine
      1. Scarlet Worker
Alternative Spots
  1. 33-36 Alterac Mountains (Sofera's Naze, Corrahn's Dagger)
    1. Pull 1: Sofera's Naze
      1. Syndicate Footpad, Syndicate Thief
    2. Pull 2: Corrahn's Dagger
      1. Syndicate Footpad, Syndicate Thief
  1. 36-40 Stranglethorn Value (The Savage Coast) - 6 hours
    1. Pull 1: The Savage Coast
      1. Lesser Water Elemental
    2. Pull 2: Zuuldaia Ruins
      1. Bloodscalp Witch Doctor, Bloodscalp Headhunter
  1. 55-60 Darkshore - 10 hours (Follow video for directions)
    1. Pull 1: Shatterspear Village - South
      1. Shatterspear Troll
    2. Pull 2: Shatterspear Village - North
      1. Shatterspear Troll
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