48-49 Tanaris

  • Minimum /played: 2 days, 7 hours, 38 minutes, 0 seconds
  • Minimum Segment Time: 3 hours, 0 minutes, 0 seconds
  • Average /played: 4 days, 15 hours, 16 minutes, 0 seconds
  • Average Segment Time: 6 hours, 0 minutes, 0 seconds
  1. In Gadgetzan
    1. On the south side at Marin Noggenfogger, The Thirsty Goblin 44
    2. At the Bank
      1. Deposit: Extra cloth
      2. Deposit: Extra potions
    3. At Innkeeper Fizzgrimble, Bind your Hearthstone to Gadgetzan
    4. In the northeast corner at Andi Lynn, The Dunemaul Compound 44
    5. At Curgle Cranklehop
      1. The Borrower The Super Snapper FX 42
      2. Handle With Care 48
    6. At the Egg-o-matic, The Super Egg-O-Matic
    7. At the Curgle Cranklehop, An Ordinary Egg
    8. On the north side at Tran'rek, Thistleshrub Valley 45
    9. On the west side on the hill at Senior Surveyor Fizzledowser, Noxious Lair Investigation 38
  1. Run north to the Mirage Raceway in Shimmering Flats
    1. On the gnome side
      1. At Kravel Koalbeard, Back to Booty Bay 43
      2. At Wizzle Brassbolts, Gahz'rilla 40
    2. On the goblin side
      1. At Razzeric, Razzeric's Tweaking Safety First 41
  1. Run south to Gadgetzan to Shreev, Safety First
  1. Run south to the bones (50, 37) (Discover Abyssal Sands)
    1. Do Rhapsody's Kalimdor Kocktail (Kill Roc for 3 Roc Gizzard)
  1. Run southeast to Broken Pillar (Discover Broken Pillar)
    1. At Marvon Rivetseeker
      1. The Sunken Temple The Stone Circle 46
      2. Gahz'ridian 43
  1. Run far west to The Noxious Lair (36, 45)
    1. (Discover The Noxious Lair)
    2. Do Noxious Lair Investigation (Kill Centipaar for 5 Centipaar Insect Part)
    3. These mobs do a lot of damage, be careful
  1. Equip Gahz'ridian Detector
  1. Run southwest to Dunemaul Compound (41, 58)
    1. Do The Dunemaul Compound (Kill Gor'marok the Ravager)
  1. Grind south at Eastmoon Ruins and Southmoon Ruins (Discover Eastmoon Ruins, Southmoon Ruins)
    1. Finish The Dunemaul Compound (Kill 10 Dunemaul Brute , 10 Enforcer )
    2. Do Gahz'ridian (Loot 30 Gahz'ridian Ornament)
    3. Equip your normal helmet
  1. Run southwest near the gate of Uldum (Discover Valley of the Watchers)
  1. Run far west to Thistleshrub Valley (29, 70) (Discover Thistleshrub Valley)
    1. Do Thistleshrub Valley (Kill 8 Gnarled Thistleshrub, 8 Thistleshrub Rootshaper )
    2. Do The Thirsty Goblin (Kill Thistleshrub Dew Collector for 1 Laden Dew Gland)
  1. Run to the turtle Tooga, Tooga's Quest 43 (28, 68) (Skip if Tooga is missing)
  1. Grind far northeast to Broken Pillar with Tooga
    1. At Marvon Rivetseeker, Gahz'ridian
    2. Equip Staff of Lore
  1. Grind northeast to Steamwheedle Port with Tooga
    1. At Torta (66.5, 26), Tooga's Quest
    2. Further north at Yeh'kinya, Screecher Spirits The Prophecy of Mosh'aru 40
  1. Run west to Gadgetzan
  2. On the south side at Marin Noggenfogger, The Thirsty Goblin In Good Taste 44
  3. On northeast side at Andi Lynn, The Dunemaul Compound
  4. On north side at Tran'rek, Thistleshrub Valley Super Sticky 48
  5. Further west at Sprinkle, In Good Taste Sprinkle's Secret Ingredient 44
  6. In the hut at Alchemist Pestlezugg, Noxious Lair Investigation
  7. On the west side on the hill at Senior Surveyor Fizzledowser, The Scrimshank Redemption 43
  8. At Blizrik Buckshot,
  1. Run far south to The Gaping Chasm (56, 69) (Discover Caverns of Time, Southbreak Shore, The Gaping Chasm)
    1. Grind to the bottom of the hive
    2. Grind deep through the south cave to the room that looks like an X
    3. On the west side of the room (56, 71)
    4. Loot Scrimshank's Surveying Gear for The Scrimshank Redemption
  1. Hearth to Gadgetzan
    1. On the west side on the hill
      1. At Senior Surveyor Fizzledowser, The Scrimshank Redemption Insect Part Analysis 45
    2. In the hut at Alchemist Pestlezugg, Insect Part Analysis Insect Part Analysis 45
    3. Back on the hill at Senior Surveyor Fizzledowser
      1. Insect Part Analysis
      2. Rise of the Silithid 39
  1. In Gadgetzan
    1. On the north side at Tran'rek, Scarab Shells 40
    2. On the east side at Chief Engineer Bilgewhizzle, Divino-matic Rod 40
    3. On the south side at Trenton Lighthammer, Troll Temper 40
  2. In Shimmering Flats, at Wizzle Brassbolts, Gahz'rilla 40
  1. Grind while putting a group together for Zul'Farrak
  1. Run to the Zul'Farrak portal at (38, 18)
  2. Enter Zul'Farrak
  1. Ongoing: Troll Temper (Kill Sandfury trolls for 20 Troll Temper)
  2. Ongoing: Scarab Shells (Kill Scarab for 5 Uncracked Scarab Shell)
  1. Grind north to spot 2
    1. Do The Prophecy of Mosh'aru (Kill Theka the Martyr for First Mosh'aru Tablet)
  2. Grind east to spot 1, kill Antu'sul
  3. Grind west to spot 3, kill Witch Doctor Zum'rah
  4. Grind west to spot 5
    1. Start the pyramid event, kill all the waves of mobs
    2. Do Divino-matic Rod (Kill Sergeant Bly for Divino-matic Rod)
    3. Do Nekrum's Medallion (Kill Nekrum Gutchewer for Nekrum's Medallion)
  5. Grind east to spot 7, kill Chief Ukorz Sandscalp
  6. Grind southwest around to spot 6
    1. Do Tiara of the Deep (Kill Hydromancer Velratha for Tiara of the Deep)
    2. Do The Prophecy of Mosh'aru (Kill Hydromancer Velratha for Second Mosh'aru Tablet)
    3. Requires: Mallet of Zul'Farrak: Kill Gahz'rilla for Gahz'rilla's Electrified Scale
Zul'Farrak Outro
  1. Hearth to Gadgetzan
    1. On the north side at Tran'rek, Scarab Shells
    2. On the east side at Chief Engineer Bilgewhizzle, Divino-matic Rod
    3. On the south side at Trenton Lighthammer, Troll Temper
  1. Run to Steamwheedle Port
    1. At Yeh'kinya, The Prophecy of Mosh'aru
    2. In the southern house at Yorba Screwspigot, Yuka Screwspigot 48
  1. If you did Gahz'rilla
    1. Run north to Mirage Raceway in Shimmering Flats
    2. At Wizzle Brassbolts, Gahz'rilla (Obtained Carrot on a Stick)
  1. Run south to Gadgetzan
  1. Grind nearby until Level 49
Level 49
  1. Fly from Gadgetzan to Thalanaar, eta 02:48
    1. Use Undelivered Parcel, Thalanaar Delivery 39
    2. At Falfindel Waywarder, Thalanaar Delivery
  1. Fly from Thalanaar to Feathermoon, eta 02:48
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Seth Cottle