50-51 Western Plaguelands
Western Plaguelands
- Minimum /played: 2 days, 16 hours, 44 minutes, 9 seconds
- Minimum Segment Time: 1 hours, 30 minutes, 0 seconds
- Average /played: 5 days, 9 hours, 28 minutes, 18 seconds
- Average Segment Time: 3 hours, 0 minutes, 0 seconds
- Current Quest Log: 14/20 (~82K Total XP)
- Blackrock Depths
Yuka Screwspigot
- Darnassus
- Felwood
Seeking Spiritual Aid
- Feralas
The Super Snapper FX
- Ironforge
- Tanaris
- The Hinterlands
Rhapsody's Tale
- Thousand Needles
Back to Booty Bay
- Zul'Farrak
- At Chillwind Camp
- At Commander Ashlam Valorfist,
A Call to Arms: The Plaguelands!
Clear the Way 50
- Just north at Argent Officer Pureheart,
Argent Dawn Commission (Obtained Argent Dawn Commission)
- Equip Argent Dawn Commission
- At Leonard Porter,
- Run northeast to Sorrow Hill
(Discover Sorrow Hill)
- Do
Clear the Way (Kill 10 Skeletal Flayer
, 10 Slavering Ghoul
- Run southwest to Chillwind Camp
- Run northwest across the land bridge then north to Felstone Field
- (Discover Ruins of Andorhal, Felstone Field)
- Grind to the northwest house and upstairs to Janice Felstone (38.5, 54),
Better Late Than Never 50
- Just east at the barn
- Wait for the scarlet crusade to fight the scourge near the entrance
- Use that opportunity to kill both sides to clear entry to the door
- Clear your way inside the barn
- Loot Janice's Parcel,
Better Late Than Never
- Loot Janice's Parcel again,
Better Late Than Never 47
- GROUP 2+
- Near the Scourge Cauldron
- Do
Target: Felstone Field
- Kill Cauldron Lord Bilemaw for Felstone Field Cauldron Key
- Loot the Scourge Cauldron,
Target: Felstone Field
Return to Chillwind Camp 50
- Run southeast to Chillwind Camp
- At High Priestess MacDonnell,,
Return to Chillwind Camp
- At Leonard Porter,
- At Argent Officer Pureheart,
Minion's Scourgestones as much as possible
Use Teleport: Ironforge
Fly from Chillwind Camp to Ironforge, eta 04:07
- Run west to The Mystic Ward to Tymor,
Return to Tymor
- Run northeast to Hall of Explorers to Laris Geardawdle
Use Teleport: Stormwind
Fly from Ironforge to Stormwind, eta 03:20
- Run northwest to Cathedral Square
- Upstairs at Royal Factor Bathrilor,
Better Late Than Never
Good Natured Emma 46
- Run just southeast to the canal side of Cathedral Square
- Upstairs at Ol' Emma,
Good Natured Emma
Good Luck Charm 50
- Run northeast to the Dwarven District to Brohann Caskbelly,
Rhapsody's Tale
- Run to the flightmaster
Fly from Stormwind to Nethergarde Keep, eta 02:47
Just north atop the tower at Thadius Grimshade,
Nekrum's Medallion
The Divination 42, wait,
The Divination, skip follow up
- At Ambassador Ardalan,
Petty Squabbles 50
- Run northwest into Swamp of Sorrows to Fallen Hero of the Horde,
Petty Squabbles
A Tale of Sorrow 47
- Speak through all the dialog
A Tale of Sorrow, skip follow up
Level 51
- Run southeast back to Nethergarde Keep
Fly from Nethergarde Keep to Lakeshire, eta 02:23
- Run northeast along the road to Burning Steppes (Discover Blackrock Pass)