50-51 Western Plaguelands

Western Plaguelands
  • Minimum /played: 2 days, 16 hours, 44 minutes, 9 seconds
  • Minimum Segment Time: 1 hours, 30 minutes, 0 seconds
  • Average /played: 5 days, 9 hours, 28 minutes, 18 seconds
  • Average Segment Time: 3 hours, 0 minutes, 0 seconds
  1. At Chillwind Camp
    1. At Commander Ashlam Valorfist, A Call to Arms: The Plaguelands! Clear the Way 50
    2. Just north at Argent Officer Pureheart, Argent Dawn Commission (Obtained Argent Dawn Commission)
      1. Equip Argent Dawn Commission
    3. At Leonard Porter,
  1. Run northeast to Sorrow Hill (Discover Sorrow Hill)
    1. Do Clear the Way (Kill 10 Skeletal Flayer , 10 Slavering Ghoul )
  1. Run southwest to Chillwind Camp
    1. At Commander Ashlam Valorfist, Clear the Way The Scourge Cauldrons 50
    2. At High Priestess MacDonnell, The Scourge Cauldrons Target: Felstone Field 50
    3. At Leonard Porter,
  1. Run northwest across the land bridge then north to Felstone Field
    1. (Discover Ruins of Andorhal, Felstone Field)
    2. Grind to the northwest house and upstairs to Janice Felstone (38.5, 54), Better Late Than Never 50
    3. Just east at the barn
      1. Wait for the scarlet crusade to fight the scourge near the entrance
      2. Use that opportunity to kill both sides to clear entry to the door
      3. Clear your way inside the barn
      4. Loot Janice's Parcel, Better Late Than Never
      5. Loot Janice's Parcel again, Better Late Than Never 47
    4. GROUP 2+
      1. Near the Scourge Cauldron
      2. Do Target: Felstone Field
      3. Kill Cauldron Lord Bilemaw for Felstone Field Cauldron Key
      4. Loot the Scourge Cauldron, Target: Felstone Field Return to Chillwind Camp 50
  1. Run southeast to Chillwind Camp
    1. At High Priestess MacDonnell,, Return to Chillwind Camp
    2. At Leonard Porter,
    3. At Argent Officer Pureheart, Minion's Scourgestones as much as possible
    4. Use Teleport: Ironforge
  1. Fly from Chillwind Camp to Ironforge, eta 04:07
    1. Run west to The Mystic Ward to Tymor, Return to Tymor
    2. Run northeast to Hall of Explorers to Laris Geardawdle
      1. A Little Slime Goes a Long Way, wait, A Little Slime Goes a Long Way 49
    3. Use Teleport: Stormwind
  1. Fly from Ironforge to Stormwind, eta 03:20
    1. Run northwest to Cathedral Square
      1. Upstairs at Royal Factor Bathrilor, Better Late Than Never Good Natured Emma 46
    2. Run just southeast to the canal side of Cathedral Square
      1. Upstairs at Ol' Emma, Good Natured Emma Good Luck Charm 50
    3. Run northeast to the Dwarven District to Brohann Caskbelly, Rhapsody's Tale
    4. Run to the flightmaster
  1. Fly from Stormwind to Nethergarde Keep, eta 02:47
    1. Just north atop the tower at Thadius Grimshade, Nekrum's Medallion
      1. The Divination 42, wait, The Divination, skip follow up
    2. At Ambassador Ardalan, Petty Squabbles 50
  1. Run northwest into Swamp of Sorrows to Fallen Hero of the Horde, Petty Squabbles A Tale of Sorrow 47
    1. Speak through all the dialog
    2. A Tale of Sorrow, skip follow up
Level 51
  1. Run southeast back to Nethergarde Keep
  1. Fly from Nethergarde Keep to Lakeshire, eta 02:23
  1. Run northeast along the road to Burning Steppes (Discover Blackrock Pass)
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