58-59 Silithus

  • Minimum /played: 3 days, 19 hours, 0 minutes, 9 seconds
  • Minimum Segment Time: 2 hours, 0 minutes, 0 seconds
  • Average /played: 7 days, 14 hours, 0 minutes, 18 seconds
  • Average Segment Time: 4 hours, 0 minutes, 0 seconds
  1. Run northeast to Layo Starstrike (82, 19), Wasteland The Spirits of Southwind 55
  1. Run southwest to Southwind Village
    1. HIGH DEATH ALERT Mobs summon Hive'Ashi Drone on death
    2. Do The Spirits of Southwind (Kill 8 Tortured Druid , 8 Tortured Sentinel )
  1. Run northeast to Layo Starstrike (82, 19), The Spirits of Southwind Hive in the Tower 55
  1. Run southwest to Southwind Village
  2. Phase 2: Requires: Entering Dire Maul
    1. Grind to (63.2, 55.4)
    2. Do A Reliquary of Purity (Loot Dusty Reliquary for Reliquary of Purity)
  3. GROUP 2+
    1. Grind carefully to the base of the tower at (60, 53)
    2. Do Hive in the Tower
      1. Run atop the tower
      2. Kill 1 Hive'Ashi Ambusher as fast as possible
      3. Loot it for Encrusted Silithid Object
      4. Run away before more spawn
    3. Run northeast to Layo Starstrike (82, 19), Hive in the Tower Umber, Archivist 55
  1. Phase 1-4:
    1. Hearth to Ratchet
    2. Run to flightmaster Bragok
    3. Fly from Ratchet to Talrendis Point, eta 02:06
    4. You are done with this segment, continue on the next segment
  1. Phase 5:
  2. In Cenarion Hold
    1. Near the moonwell
      1. At Geologist Larksbane, The Twilight Mystery 54
      2. At Bor Wildmane, Secret Communication 57
    2. Just southwest at the lodge
      1. Outside at Windcaller Proudhorn, Taking Back Silithus Securing the Supply Lines 54
      2. At the wanted poster, Wanted - Deathclasp, Terror of the Sands 54
      3. Cooking 285: Inside at Caladrath, Desert Recipe 54
      4. Upstairs at Beetix Ficklespragg, Deadly Desert Venom 54
  1. Grind in the fields northeast of Cenarion Hold (Discover Staghelm Point)
    1. Do Securing the Supply Lines (Kill 15 Dredge Striker )
    2. Do Deadly Desert Venom
      1. Kill Stonelash Scorpid for 8 Stonelash Scorpid Stinger
      2. Kill Sand Skitterer for 8 Sand Skitterer Fang
  1. Run to the far northwest corner of the map (21, 10) (Discover Hive'Ashi)
    1. Do The Twilight Mystery
      1. Kill Dust Stormer , Whirling Invader for 8 Twilight Tablet Fragment
      2. Or loot Twilight Tablet Fragment for 8 Twilight Tablet Fragment
  1. Run southeast back to Cenarion Hold
    1. At the lodge
      1. Outside at Windcaller Proudhorn, Securing the Supply Lines Stepping Up Security 54
      2. Upstairs at Beetix Ficklespragg, Deadly Desert Venom Noggle's Last Hope 54
    2. Near the moonwell
      1. At Geologist Larksbane, The Twilight Mystery The Deserter 54
  1. Grind south of Southwind Village
    1. Do Noggle's Last Hope (Kill Stonelash Pincer for 3 Stonelash Pincer Stinger)
    2. Do some Stepping Up Security (Kill 20 Dredge Crusher )
  1. Run southeast to Hermit Ortell (67, 70) (Discover Hive'Regal)
    1. The Deserter The Twilight Lexicon 54
  1. Near the cave
    1. Finish Noggle's Last Hope
      1. Kill Rock Stalker for 3 Rock Stalker Fang
      2. Kill Stonelash Flayer for 3 Stonelash Flayer Stinger
  1. Grind northwest
    1. Finish Stepping Up Security (Kill 20 Dredge Crusher )
  1. Run northwest back to Cenarion Hold
    1. Outside the lodge at Windcaller Proudhorn, Stepping Up Security
    2. Upstairs at Beetix Ficklespragg, Noggle's Last Hope
    3. Upstairs at Noggle Ficklespragg, Noggle's Lost Satchel 54
  1. GROUP 2+
    1. If see the patroller Twilight Prophet north (respawn 30m), south (respawn 45m)
    2. Do Secret Communication (Kill Twilight Prophet for 10 Encrypted Twilight Text)
  1. Run southwest to the camp at (42, 43) (Discover Twilight Base Camp)
    1. Kill Twilight Keeper Havunth for Twilight Lexicon - Chapter 3
    2. Cooking 285: At Sandy Cookbook (38, 45), loot Sandy Cookbook
    3. Cooking 285: Desert Recipe Sharing the Knowledge 55
  1. Run northwest to the camp at (26.5, 36.5) (Discover Twilight Post)
    1. Kill Twilight Keeper Manya for Twilight Lexicon - Chapter 1
  1. Run far southeast to Deathclasp (43, 89) (Discover Hive'Zora)
    1. At Noggle's Satchel (44.5, 91.5)
      1. Do Noggle's Lost Satchel (Loot Noggle's Satchel for Noggle's Satchel)
    2. GROUP 2+
      1. Do Wanted - Deathclasp, Terror of the Sands
      2. Kill Deathclasp for Deathclasp's Pincer (respawn 15m)
  1. Run far west to the camp at (16, 86.5) (Discover Twilight Outpost)
    1. Kill Twilight Keeper Exeter for Twilight Lexicon - Chapter 2
  1. Run far northeast to Hermit Ortell (67, 70), The Twilight Lexicon A Terrible Purpose 58
  1. Run far northwest to Cenarion Hold
    1. Upstairs in the lodge at Noggle Ficklespragg, Noggle's Lost Satchel
    2. Cooking 285: At Caladrath, Sharing the Knowledge, skip follow up
    3. Cooking 285: Run north to Mishta, buy 10 Soothing Spices 160
    4. Cooking 285: Run south to the brazier near the inn, cook 10 Smoked Desert Dumpling
    5. Just north In the purple lodge, A Terrible Purpose
    6. Atop the tower near the flightmaster, Wanted - Deathclasp, Terror of the Sands
    7. If you completed Secret Communication, at Bor Wildmane, Secret Communication
  1. If you got the rare drop Brann Bronzebeard's Lost Letter
    1. Grind southwest toward Bronzebeard Encampment (41, 89)
    2. Use Brann Bronzebeard's Lost Letter, Brann Bronzebeard's Lost Letter 58
    3. At Rutgar Glyphshaper, Brann Bronzebeard's Lost Letter
  1. Grind nearby until Level 59
Level 59
  1. Hearth to Ratchet
  2. Run to flightmaster Bragok
  1. Fly from Ratchet to Talrendis Point, eta 02:06
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Seth Cottle